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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. "CIVILIZATION IS BUT A POLYP ON THIS GREAT PLENT'S COLON!" - Trevor, to no one in particular
  2. I'd love to see a reboot of Undead Nightmare in LS...
  3. Wow, I thought that was another Four Eyes pic at first glance. Terrified me.
  4. Almost perfect. I'm looking for one without the "AND YOUR EYEBROWS" frames.
  5. that autumn rain, it actually looks rather attractive. Good pics.
  6. I'd love a .gif of Walter White fucking up the rack of accessories and grabbing his junk, as in this clip:
  7. As a matter of fact, yes: That topic is full of useful info. Also, feel free to use as much fuckin' profanity as you Goddamn well please around here.
  8. Don't worry, they transfer automatically.
  9. Haha, I believe that was me. Awhile back, when I'd first started playing with interior DMs, I made the same DM for shits and giggles with the same title. I like your backstory better, bOnEs.
  10. Too late. *puts on horn-rimmed glasses* Bobbe, your momme is so proooooud. Nu, ven vill we see some children?!
  11. Loads of secondhand chemistry textbooks. Holy fuck, what a fascinating science.
  12. The look on your face fit in so well with the nature of the argument.
  13. Rocking it, indeed. Looking good, bOnEs. My black gent is wearing an all-white suit. People are afraid to attack Morgan Freeman.
  14. I was able to rid myself of a torso somehow - I'm now the Gutless Wonder. Otiz, it's unanimous. Stick with the lack of arms; you're an icon, man.
  15. C'mon, gentlemen, this arguing is killing my hard-on. Get back to posting pics.
  16. I should get my grainy 90s pics uploaded. Man, I was an adorable baby.
  17. A group of homeless guys were using the chat room as a toilet.
  18. Same gimmick? Ohhh, to remember the lols his finisher provided me as a young lad...
  19. Holy fuck, that was the funniest thing I've read all week. Well-done.
  20. It'd be unfair to my competitors if I were to enter -- count me out... Also, whatever happened to Goldust?