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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. There are plenty of 'em, but I appreciate beauty when I see it. ( )
  2. Man, I can feel the love in that second pic. *frolics, tosses roses*
  3. Can definitely see the French in you. What a handsome fucker.
  4. Good point - if they can have wounds that heal over time and hair that gradually grows, why not clothes that gradually get filthy for as long as they're worn?
  5. Growing dope and cooking meth are two surefore ways to turn a profit.
  6. Relevant: art is never a guaranteed source of income. Whether you're a chef, a guitarist, or a sketch artist, nothing is for certain.
  7. Depends what sort of business - Trevor Philips' business attire consists of filthy sweats and stained T's... I do hope we'll be permitted to keep the clothes, though. I love that pinstripe.
  8. The Dangerous Business pack does sound intriguing...drug distribution?
  9. Thanks, I needed that. *sniffle* One of my photographically-inclined friends is telling me that they're not necessarily corrupted, and that there's a potential fix to these problems. I'll find out for sure tomorrow... *weeps more*
  10. Pipes are good for flavor and mouthfeel, but not for pulmonary health... Re: cannabis cigars/cigarettes. Don't you fine people consider them to be a waste of product?
  11. Or at least a white jacket. Also, they talked about novelty tees - are they meaning purty heart and cupid logos...?
  12. Any idea how long this stuff will be available for? It's got to last at least through the weekend, no?
  13. No PC access at the moment, but I'll try an alternative. One sec...
  14. Finally, a set of nipples to rival Qd's...
  15. New double-breasted suits...ho-ho, I am gonna be lookin' dapper as fuck.
  16. Well, the cocksuckers at the shop weren't able to help. Such smart-ass attitudes they copped... I really don't want these pics lost, fellas. I realize it's my fault I'm in this predicament, but this has been one frustrating hoop to jump through after another. Cy, for what it's worth, I'm going to try Recuva and see if that works.
  17. That works fine, but only these images from this card are seemingly fucked.
  18. GunSmith


    Practicality be damned, there's nothing better than taking out a Super Mutant with a Sneak Attack critical using a fuckin' garden gnome.
  19. GunSmith


    Once you get the schematics for a weapon called the Rock-it Launcher, gnomes take on a much more entertaining role...
  20. Tried that already, Cy. The software I'm using stops early on in the process, even if I cancel and retry. They're personal, not the sort of thing I'd be free about sharing. I called a camera shop early today, since they offer recovery services on the cheap...I'll bring the card in to them tomorrow to see what they can do. Thanks for all the help, people. Y'all were kind to offer advice. <3
  21. The ones I wanna share are cropped to about 920x700. Also, this recovery tool has been stuck at the same spot for 45 minutes...
  22. Yes. That still doesn't do it; image hosting sites are still calling it an invalid filetype.