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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. I'm trying a recovery software atm...oh, boy.
  2. Qd, I am positive I'm saving them as .JPGs. I'm aware of the drop-down list, where you manually select your file type. When you hit Save As in GIMP, it automatically takes you to the Export dialog, so that's not the issue, either. I really hope I'm not fucked.
  3. Yeah, I can open them in GIMP and Photo Viewer. I've tried opening them and re-saving them, then trying to share those. Nothing. I can't even upload them to Facebook, it just gets stuck early on.
  4. They're listed as a .jpg image in the Properties menus. I was using GIMP, if that helps.
  5. Would that software help if they turn out to be corrupted? I'm positive I didn't format the card, so it's something else.
  6. GunSmith


    Pre-war Money can be found where you'd find it in real life; drawers, file cabinets, safes, and abandoned cash all of it. It can be sold in bulk for a pretty penny. Pre-war Books, too, are ridiculously profitable once you talk to a certain member of a Faction later on. Just be careful you don't pick up damaged books, they need to be labeled as "Pre-war Book". That phrase is synonymous with "lucrative source of Caps". Lastly, Cartons of Cigarettes make good money early on. Depending on your Barter skill, you can get comfortably wealthy early on just by selling those. Good luck and have fun.
  7. I'm having difficulty sharing a batch of images, and the internet doesn't seem to be helping me. Maybe this little corner of the interwebs can advise... I edited and sorted 89 pictures, investing hours into the task. When I finished, I removed the memory card from the reader and reinserted it into the camera. On the camera, they showed up as black squares, marked with a question mark and an "Incompatible JPEG!" message. On the PC, they initially showed up as blank squares, but I was able to retrieve them. Regardless, they're unable to be shared; if I try to upload them to a hosting site, I get an "Unsupported Filetype" or a "Failed to save image" message. E-mailing the pics sends nothing but gray squares to the recipients. I can't even screencap them, because they get captured as pixelated blobs or blank fields. I'm worried they might be corrupted...I didn't use the Safely Remove Hardware tool before removing the card. I really want these pictures back, there's immense sentimental value to them. Can anyone help?
  8. Fettuccine all'aglio...garlic, parsley, and olive oil. All it needs, imo.
  9. Jerking off is a totally acceptable form of affection. You just have to wear a long coat and avoid detection.
  10. Naaaah, you gotta MacGyver one with a pickle jar, soldering iron, PVC pipe, and vinyl tubing. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I finally got a few proper brass pipe screens more aluminum foil. I AM LIBERATED
  11. Vidya games are always better with hallucinogenic cacti.
  12. We wear the same glasses, complixicata. We are destined to be inter-oceanic friends.
  13. What, pot roast or burning dope?
  14. The only justification to being up at this ungodly early hour is if you have heavy baking to do... *heats oven*
  15. Meh. It was the only guide I found that detailed the procedure to follow for clearing the GTAV data on PS3.
  16. Since you haven't tried it already, it's worth a go to clear your console's cache. This gentleman has a tutorial for doing that here: Try it and let us know if it fixed anything. Good luck.
  17. In a less convenient manner than using the bikes, but still true.
  18. I used the bike as my Personal Vehicle until it was impounded. Cycling really gives you a chance to take in all the detail...
  19. Unbearable? Nah. You need to do it with some friends, that'll make it better. Me and R2 + some other fellow did it and had a barrel o' monkeys.
  20. What makes you say that? To me, it's a delightful smell, summery and uplifting.
  21. Set the spoken language to Italian, too. It makes the game that much more immersive and enjoyable.
  22. In my defense, I did say "not many". Pot happens to be above pot roast on the good smells list!
  23. There are not many greater aromas than that of pot roast.
  24. Crowbar > hammer. Especially for bashing in hipster skulls.