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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Qd just compared R* to a meth baron.
  2. Sounds jolly good. Might be worth getting a next-gen console when it comes out.
  3. Haha, it makes no sense that they don't let you shop the accessories from there. Instead, on the right side of any Ponsonby's store, close to the center, is a glass case where you can buy watches and ties. It's small and easy to miss. Let me know if you have trouble finding it, I'll take a picture. Good luck!
  4. Ties are available, Alky, but you need to browse the accessories in clothes shops. Walk up to all the racks 'til you find them.
  5. Dear God. I am fully hyped. There'll be a lot more room for creativity and variation with the Missions, it seems. Looking forward to this much more than Heists.
  6. As the only Semite here, I am the honorary producer.
  7. Thanks to Fitty for getting this sorted out and to Massy for instilling a touch of common sense in me. To the Fine Gentleman responsible for fucking with this account:
  8. Putting someone like you in that position is a one-way ticket to a totalitarian society full of slavery and rape. Those were not "poor" decisions, sir. Anyway, thank you! -------------- Also, GTA 5 Forums - 8:24 PM (6 hours ago) to me GunSmith, This email has been sent from You have received this email because you requested an email address change. -----------------------Activation Instructions Below -------------------------------------- We require that you "validate" your email address change you instigated this action. This protects against unwantedspamandmaliciousabuse. To activate your account, simply click on the followinglink: snip What the fuck? I certainly didn't request an e-mail change...
  9. Why can't the issue be rectified without making use of the retrieval link?
  10. Rumor has it that that isn't necessary when the password wasn't forgotten.
  11. Some movie-poster shit right there. JACKALS II: OUT FOR BLOOD
  12. Fine. *proceeds to spam every topic* *places blame on Qd*
  13. I opened up the site to find myself logged out with my password not working. ¡Ayudenme, por favor!
  14. Hmmm...boil them, season them with cumin and cayenne, and add 'em to a pilaf. Cook and season as above, then stuff them in dolma. Add cooked ones to a pasta sauce. Also,
  15. Redunancy, my dear Brian, redunancy. And douchiness.
  16. You didn't just type "evoo", did you...? All hope is lost.
  17. Given the choice between a quality mic and a quality gram, do you really believe Truth will choose the mic?
  18. I notice when I stay logged in on mobile, it reverts my online status to Private and takes me off the active users list. This is also happening on iFallout. Is it an IP.Board thing?
  19. The V-Wood Scoot -=-=-=- "Tear through the alleys of West Vinewood, pushing your two-wheeled beast up to breackneck speeds. Actually, it's a race for scooters. And you likely won't be getting much speed."
  20. Some gent over at GTAForums found some Mission Creator nuggets buried on the disc. Intredasting.
  21. Shirtless formal. Suit pants and nothing else.