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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Yours ended up looking so much purtier than mine. Love that dish.
  2. I am shocked that my Romero won. Thank you to the fuckers that voted. Did -- did he say that? Is this true? In that case: *doesn't vote for Bodhi*
  3. There's a snow cheat, too. Could be that someone experienced the ground fog and hurried to punch in the snow cheat for a photo op.
  4. Yes, they made us read it in seventh grade. I wasn't really captivated by it, if I remember correctly.
  5. Haven't found a non-armed variant of this since this pic. Intredasting.
  6. I believe Jobs can be accessed cross-platform. To access a Job that isn't on your platform, click here and change to your desired platform to view that platform's custom Jobs:
  7. You know there's going to be the one guy that tries his best to knock everyone off, but just ends up careening down the rock face like a dweeb.
  8. Ain't no "might" about that -- Heists are gonna be a core feature of GTAO when they roll out. They won't charge us for that. *should probably get back to the topic at hand*
  9. DLC is a beautiful thing in most cases, but when I'm given the option to pay for additional weapons, vehicles, or in-game currency, I'll always decline. It's my dream that one day the micro-DLCs will be phased out entirely.
  10. Once they realize that not enough people will buy the micro-DLC to justify creating the content, it'll be phased out. Fear not.
  11. Man, that sunlight reflection made me think it was off of Snapmatic...
  12. OPx used to post lots of breathtaking scenic pics -- what happened?
  13. The whole soundtrack lacks a California feel, so I can agree that the radio playlists are at odds with the game. There is absolutely nothing more appealing than a large-scale chase set to El Sonidito, though. Period. === I notice lots of folks voted microtransactions for Worst Thing. As someone who hasn't spent a dime on Shark cards in GTAV or other bonuses in other games, I'm not affected. In principle, it's shitty, but I don't see them as the worst thing of 2013.
  14. I used to feel the same way about the soundtrack as you and HBW, but I'm finding that each station is growing on me. Everything from Space, Rebel Radio, and even East Los ( ) are adding lots of color to the San Andreas landscape that I wasn't noticing before. As far as the original score goes, that's pretty well magical. Every situation in the Story Mode has had every emotion, every hectic thought enhanced by a perfectly fitting instrumental track.
  15. Who voted the GTAV soundtrack for Worst Thing of 2013...?!
  17. No, he earned 5.7 million via the Share function.
  18. To further clusterfuck a system that could be beautiful, they're handling the gifted money problem entirely wrong.