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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. It's a full-on Holocaust with people being banned. Lots of them did a lot less than I did (i.e., spending ten million) and they're still getting the hammer.
  2. I probably did the wrong thing by spending it. I wasn't aware that we could dump money using that method.
  3. Oh. I apologize for my cuntiness. The worry of losing my GTAO character is wearing me down.
  4. I should probably call R* Support and explain myself. "Some cocksucker gave me a fuckton of money. I spent a good deal of it in a panic. Help plz."
  5. I believe I've already said that, mate.
  6. I have a feeling I'll be spending 9 months in Gitmo. Fuck.
  7. When it happened to me, I panicked too. The nearest guy on my map was in Vinewood -- I was in Paleto Bay. I immediately thought, "OH MY GOD HE'S HEADED DIRECTLY FOR ME HE'LL BE HERE AT ANY MINUTE".
  8. That didn't mention the Mission Creator at all.
  9. I bought numerous buses, dump trucks, tanks, and aircraft. Somehow, I don't see Rockstar taking kindly to this.
  10. I hope the Mission Creator debuts tomorrow alongside Capture.
  11. Thank you! Between 'dat name, 'dat image, and 'dat description, I want cross-platform Jobs too.
  12. Lamar's confident swagger as he walked off is what made that. Like, "Man, I just won that shit."
  13. Ace could look the part. Get a shemagh on him and BAM, fundamentalist.
  14. Lost and Damned ----- What goes on inside the walls of this Lost MC facility is anyone's guess. What goes on on the outside, though, is pretty plain to see: up to 12 players fight at the Lost MC compound in East Vinewood. Plenty of vertical and horizontal combat.
  15. A spoiler will add a whole new level of douche. Please don't.
  16. But of course, sire. You didn't think I got a friend to dress in a Spidey suit and act out drama in a supermarket, did you?
  17. I wonder if that rooftop DM with the crowbars was frustrating.
  18. 'Dat skirt goes well with the boots. What a convenient article to randomly change into.