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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Having Googled the lady in question, I'm appalled that cuda finds her hot. Dafuq, man? It's like a chihuahua's DNA was spliced with a trailer-park meth ho.
  2. Not true. Anybody here could do it, provided they have access to some GHB.
  3. Do these work cross-platform? I'm itching to try some of Massy's.
  4. Yeah, the AIs are fuckin' stupid. I had three of them jump off the roof of the courthouse during my test run. Consecutively.
  5. Having seen Breaking Bad first, I'm gonna hate him when I eventually watch FNL. That dead-eyed, Opie piece of shit.
  6. There's a bug that lets you access a deserted North Yankton in GTAO. Get a buddy to set up an Invite Only session. Have him/her wait while you replay the Prologue. Get up to the point where At ~twenty feet out, have your comrade invite you to their session. When you join, get an air vehicle and proceed to the southeast corner of the map, out into the ocean. If it worked, you'll see some trippy half-rendered mountains in the distance. Fly to 'em and enjoy your vacation. If you want your friend to come along and have snowball fights and such, have them repeat the process you just went through, but with roles reversed; you'll be inviting them while they replay the Prologue. Good luck, fuckers.
  7. Different roles in different missions pay more/less. For example, in A Titan of A Job, the pilot is paid a good deal more than passengers.
  8. I hate my perma-wounds, but I didn't wanna risk altering my skills to get rid of them. Fuck.
  9. My Tornado estilo Mexicano is gone. I am infuriated.
  10. Nug brothers got nothin' on Scooter Brothers.
  11. Legal Trouble ----- Don't bother having your lawyer present - there are enough bloodthirsty psychos up here as it is. Up to six combatants take part in this melee bloodbath on the roof of the Davis Courthouse. Mind the ledge. I littered the roof with crowbars, bats, and knives. It's too bad the spawn point limitation doesn't allow for more than 6 players. =================== Power Surge ----- Get a different kind of buzz going in this close-quarters Deathmatch at the Department of Water and Power. Check your corners and watch your back. Oh, and keep off the transformers. This is fun as hell. The transformers make for tight corners and corridors of death, no matter how it's played. As a TDM, it's tactical and white-knuckle intensity. As a free-for-all, it's hectic and chaotic. Shotguns only here.
  12. I just finished this two months late. I HAVE NO REGRETS
  13. Suppose you're not dealing with them at all, but they feel the need to deal with you? I can't count how many times my buddies and I have tried to have some harmless fun, only to have some bloodthirsty random show up and shake things up. One such case, the first image in this post.
  14. Maybe an alternate storyline, a la Undead Nightmare? They did mention "unexpected" adventures for the trio... I'm very much hoping the story mode add-ons will be free, too.
  15. *La Also,
  16. Also, food. Plus culture so rich, complex, and diverse, your fuckin' brain will melt. Great weather. Loads of reasons.
  17. Great until some cock-knocker slams an RPG into your wing while you're hovering.
  18. Be sure to call them proud americans if you want shit to get done.