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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Nope, you're thinking of the Sparrow (I miss that thing). Knowing how easily they're disposed of, I no longer curse tankfags.
  2. "Southern San Andreas"...not specifically Los Santos or Blaine County...
  3. That problem's caused by your controller. Maybe you dropped it one too many times, maybe it's too old. At any rate, you'll need a new one, I'm afraid. Good luck. Also, this is the wrong right section.
  4. Not as obvious as you might think. It took me weeks to try the jet against tanks. Then again, I'm retarded. Also, rockets do pretty much nothing. The cannon is what's best used against the tank-proud americans. Or anything, for that matter.
  5. Beautiful...How'd you coat it? Roll it in a vat of crushed peanuts?
  6. Russians are not hotter than Italians.
  7. I lost my shit at the "roll into town" line. I pictured a bunch of Lincoln lowriders on obnoxious hydraulics, full of young Al Pacino lookalikes.
  8. Sticking the landing of a jump greater than eight feet is impossible. *walks off low rooftop* *tilts forward, lands on forehead*
  9. You're in for a treat with that one. It's a total mindfuck, you'll like it.
  10. 1. You can get Molotovs in Merryweather Ammo Drops. 2. Crowbars can be found in the Cypress Hill LTS. Pick it up, then finish the match. You'll have it in your inventory when you get back to Freemode. 3. This topic is about parkour.
  11. Being a child myself, it's kind of imperative that I like 'em.
  12. So much fappage has been perpetrated in those few square feet, I can smell the semen essence radiating from that photo.
  13. Yep. That's caused by subpar connection on either your end or a gamemate's end.
  14. I sniped a guy out of a fighter jet once. True story. I felt the need to share that.
  15. Love that guy. I shit a brick when he turned up in Breaking Bad.
  16. You're never too young to patronize the streetwalkers and prostitutes of your community; go to your nearest street corner/slum and support the local underground economy today! THIS PSA BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE WHORES' UNION
  17. It's like two dirty jackals are involved in the same rape; one perpetrating, one the victim.
  18. "Sugar shack"? My, that's a strange-looking whorehouse.