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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Did you earn/purchase that somewhere? If you did, where? =============================================== I met a great group of randoms the other day. I had an awful lot of fun with them: One of them sniped an NPC boat pilot in the Land Act Reservoir; she proceeded to swim out to commandeer it. Everyone else parked their supercars at the top of this cliff and dove in after her. A circlejerk ensued at one of the females' Apartments. (notice No-Hands Noonan) More fuckery. There were about ten of us in that room, I believe. Four people, one tabletop.
  2. I wasted a summer learning how to count cards proficiently -- I really hope to be able to put my pointless knowledge to use when the games roll out. If Rockstar's smart, I imagine they'll make the gaming separate from the Freemodes. God, I hope they're smart...
  3. I switched to Trevor and found him outside the casino, explaining to a bouncer that he "was cheating, not counting cards". lol. I hope Blackjack is one of the table games they'll offer in GTAO...
  4. Curry's the only British food I like. 'Cept for Marmite.
  5. Of course not. I'm not that brain-dead, Qd. You're welcome. bOnEs, I made it clear that the site's still growing and under development. Any potential user that's worthwhile will understand that and come back in the future.
  6. I don't know what that yellow liquid is, but it bothers me.
  7. I shan't slow my roll, sirs. People will join because they're looking for a place to discuss Fallout. As it stands, topics can be created and posts can be made -- I call that functional enough for a fan-run forum. *resumes advertising*
  8. GunSmith


    I don't know. Qd recommended I start there to attract potential users. I saw no reason to not spam advertise a link there. Look for a used version of the Game Of The Year Edition -- it comes with a disc that allows you to install all of the DLC to your hard drive. You should be able to find it dirt-cheap.
  9. 'Cause people will read it here, just like they'll read it on Reddit, IGN, and anywhere else I plaster it.
  10. GunSmith


    Fuck me. All three of you are doing a great job in my opinion, but a certain Redditor thinks otherwise:
  11. GunSmith


    Cute Blonde: Speech 100, CHR 9
  12. What I meant to type was: Your Elegy is beautiful, Kuz. It has my vote through and through.
  13. With the Fallout 4 hype snowballing, fans are bound to be swamped with an overwhelming amount of news. With this in mind, Qd's established, where you can read and discuss all the latest news pertinent to Fallout 4 as well as share your experiences in earlier Fallout titles with an ever-growing community via the iFallout Forums. Additionally, iFallout will offer a variety of game-changing mods for Bethesda's other titles, such as The Elder Scrolls and previous Fallout games. Like Bethesda's upcoming masterpiece, the site will be evolving and developing over time, so be sure to check back frequently for new content updates. iFallout -- your post-apocalyptic paradise.
  14. Saw the Wrecked Apartment. Imagined Fallout 5. Came.
  15. That's true, now that I recall. Ginge, call Lester instead. He should give you a Mission called "A Titan of a Job".
  16. GunSmith


    A la Clockwork Orange? You'd fit right in.
  17. I can't wait to see the magnificent British sun rising over the beautifully blue waters of the River Thames, all rendered in stunning HD.
  18. GunSmith


    If not valuable info, then a hearty laugh you are sure to provide. I love you.
  19. Last night, a few of my friends staged a "fight club"-type thing at the Vinewood Bowl. Things were just getting underway when a gang of randoms swarmed over the hill crests and intervened. A massive firefight ensued. The aftermath: The limo cockpit: I may or may not have posted this before, but I found a Bulldozer at the airport and got a few friends in the bucket. Not pictured; the other four people crammed into it. Found a menacing gang of marauding Scooter Brothers in the Story Mode. One of them was just driving off as I took this pic:
  20. GunSmith


    All I know about Bitcoin is that it's the currency of choice for buying slaves/firearms/drugs on the Darknet/Deep Web, so I have the same questions you do. I hope our more knowledgeable members (*stares at Massacre*) can poast some info.
  21. Goddamn, the Elegy is ugly. Comet, for VC nostalgia's sake.
  22. Call up Ron and request a Job. He'll probably give you one called "Base Invaders", where you fly to the Fort Zancudo airbase, destroy some fighter jets, and steal a Cargobob. This pays pretty highly, if I recall, so just keep repeating it if you're up to the monotony.
  23. GunSmith


    Playroom, indeed.