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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. According to Rockstar, yes. I think there needs to be a subcategory of Bad Sports called 'Cunts', reserved especially for the folks that like to go on murderous rampages. They should wear a hat shaped like a massive phallus; when they take out a weapon, the prick goes erect. When they holster their weapon, the schlong deflates and flops about their face when they run.
  2. Again, the Bad Sport system is a bunch of shit. How can it be that people are given carte blanche to grief your shit, killing you over and over and generally fuckin' your shit up, yet if you retaliate with a Sticky Bomb trap that Wile E. Coyote himself would be proud of, you're made to wear a Cone of Shame for three days? What a clusterfuck. *e-mails Rockstar*
  3. I tried to say something along those lines^^, but failed.
  4. This place has some really great guides. I recommend them. Also, wrong section.
  5. Sometimes, on the particularly humid, moonless nights in the Zancudo Wetlands, you can still hear Qd's car...honking. Honking eternally in forlorn anguish, in plaintive mourning for its lost owner. They say if you dare to venture into the marsh on such a night, a growling engine and a sorrowful honk will be the last thing you hear before you're consumed by tire tread and chrome grille.
  6. He did have a recurring role on Curb. He was genius in that as well. You tend to feel really strongly about every issue possible. I like that.
  7. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    I don't think there was any graphical difference to speak of between this gen and the next one.
  8. I was just using it with no hiccups. Seems to be running okay here in Yankeeland.
  9. Of the Big Three nationally available fast-food joints (Mickey D's, Wendy's, and BK), which do you all prefer?
  10. I had the misfortune of trying Mickey D's Mighty Wings just now. The only thing "mighty" about these bird appendages is when they leave your lower GI. Dry meat with an overly crunchy breading for a buck apiece? Fuck you too, McDonald's.
  11. You likely weren't aware of this film's existence until this joke was directed at you, so shut the fuck up, Donny.
  12. Cops, generally speaking, are massive cunts. There are the rare few that don't fit the cunt qualification, but they're far and few between.
  13. Typical cop-shit. =============================================
  14. When you select your livery, hit X/A. That confirms it, allowing you to use that super-cool 'Murica paintjob.
  15. Back to the topic of quotes that are meaningful:
  16. I'm trying very hard to find clothes that resemble Niko Bellic's.
  17. You can choose different liveries, but you need to hit X or A to confirm your choice.
  18. That lousy cop forgot to mention the way they bully and harass the people they arrest.
  19. You did succeed, though, in showing off 'dat ass.
  20. That FQ2 wants to make sweet, sweet love to your Khamelion. I certainly hope you didn't do anything to disturb such a beautiful moment.