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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Tell me, which mechanics do you feel are flawed? What about the gameplay is not enjoyable?
  2. Where's the water/aircraft customization we were promised? I'm down about three or four rainbow Buzzards, dammit.
  3. Meanwhile, I'm still struggling to afford a Carbonizzare. I want to double my million, dammit.
  4. Sheesh. Where'd you get all that cash, DuP?
  5. I had a feast in a friend's Apartment. He was not amused.
  6. ^blackwildbeast...? That you? A friend of mine bought the Crusader and is having the same problem. He e-mailed R* support and they allegedly informed him that they're working on a fix for "this and other issues".
  7. 1. The money glitch(es) have completely ruined the Races. People with fully modded Adders will always hold first because of their exploiting the system. Not cool. 2. To restate what's been said before, this Bad Sport system is bullshit. I've come across more "bad sports" in regular games than in Bad Sport games. People that drive backwards/knock you off-course in Races, etc. seem to be much more common outside of Bad Sport lobbies.
  8. *bump* Short reviews of shit I've watched recently: The Maiden Heist -- Walken, Morgan Freeman, and Willy H. Macy star in a comedic heist movie. I don't know how a movie with these three could possibly be sub-par, but this was. 4/10 Here Comes The Boom -- what it lacks in lolz, it makes up for in Salma Hayek. Decent popcorn movie. 7/10 Bottle Rocket -- Not only is it possible for a film starring Owen Wilson to be good, it's possible for a film he wrote to be good. A pretty good movie with bungled heists, comedy, and unlikely romance that gave me a new respect for that Aryan fuck Wilson. 9/10 No Country For Old Men (contains mild spoilers, read at your own risk)-- 9/10
  9. Chilling stuff. Good work, comrade. Now to figure out what to do with this info.
  10. I drive my Buffalo so much, I've become one with it. Literally.
  11. Favorite honest-to-God Chinese dish? Not General Tso's or orange chicken, but the stuff you find in your nearest Chinatown. I have to go with lazi jiding. Got-dayum, there is nothing more satisfying.
  12. Hit the nail on the head. The gas mask has suffocated all of his hair follicles, rendering him bald. Excellent fucking work, Detective Parker. Now please, I'm trying to gloat about the machines that are occupying my ten garage slots. Fight with Massy elsewhere.
  13. Now that you mention it, I vaguely recall hearing one ped say "FlamesofDeceit is a socialist dick."
  14. Silly question -- have you reset your router/modem?
  15. My oh my, an honest-to-God belly laugh. Thank you, sir.
  16. Thank you. Do you put an Otizian spin on it? Only ethnically, my Antipodean comrade. Pretty sure ol' Yahweh can forgive a slab of ribs or a slice of ham here and there.
  17. If you worry that you're not going to succeed in clearing out the store's inventory, bear in mind that the most valuable items are in the cases on the center island. Go for these cases first, then work your way around the store's perimeter.
  18. If you think that's a treat, try some ham steaks next time you have pancakes n' syrup. You shan't regret it.
  19. Regarding what's been said about so-called "psychic" police, it seems as though their psychic powers vary wildly in power. Sometimes, I can successfully hide in the wilderness, dodging foot patrols and heli spotlights. Other times, officers will walk directly up to the bush I'm in and ruin my day. Dafuq is this?
  20. I'm intrigued. Willing to divulge the recipe, kind sir?
  21. Characters can die should they lose their balance and hit their head (in Story mode, at least). If one of them ragdolls wrong after tripping over a body/hitting their knee on a bumper/just fuckin' 'cause, they can crack their dome fatally. I don't know if this is a glitch or not, but my oh my, can it be annoying.