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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. This. Used to be, you could avoid them by hitting the boost at Go. Now that the aforementioned fuckwads have gotten wind of it, we're back to getting spun out at the start line. Ridiculous.
  2. Get to it, bOnEs. I wanna see the daycare centers and kindergartens of Michigan erupt with epic beards.
  3. 1: Clown sandwich. 2: How does Catchup work? I'm still unable to understand it.
  4. By doing that, you miss out on the original score. ======================================== Obnoxious Spaniards that hijack a tank, kill every player they encounter, and yell "Oleee!" after every kill: they tend to aggravate me.
  5. This game has the best moon and moonlight effects I've seen in any game.
  6. But you look fine as fuck if you're in the driver's seat. Actually, you look fine as fuck if you're even in a classic car's proximity.
  7. My cousin did it by submerging his car up to the roof and getting out. It might work for you.
  8. *opens phonebook to Glamour Photography Studios*
  9. *walks to Long Island, jangling keys and whistling*
  10. *unhinges jaw* Elect me, guys/pals/fwends/buddehs!
  11. I took this from the top of Chiliad. ...Wait...
  12. Oh, fuck. I bought the 400k one once I hit a mil.
  13. Found a Daemon driving around Downtown, had to have it.
  14. If that were the case, I'd have been reset for a high amount of legitimate earnings.
  15. A wise man you are, Ginge. DiO, does the winner of the finals get a prize? Tater-phallus trophy, perhaps?
  16. JB Smoove is probably one of my favorite black males.