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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. ^that^. The inclusion of GTAO brought it up to a tie.
  2. No, seriously, that shit is the bomb. In summer, you don't even need to heat up a kitchen with an oven. In winter, you can satisfy your cold bones with a warm cake.
  3. Point taken. Sure, the desert is pretty and all, but it's filled with fuck-all.
  4. It's not luck when you die in Ft. Zancudo and are spawned in Bumfuk, Egypt on that dirt road. Hate that.
  5. You're welcome. Reckon you'll be shelling out the money, Handsome?
  6. This oughta do it for ya.
  7. No. I got my first taste of pricks in a men's room several years ago.
  8. God, that is awful. I got my first taste of it a few days ago. I was enjoying a good lead in a motorbike race when I hear "FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK CHOO!" Before I could distinguish what the hell this pugilistic cholo was talking about, I saw his bike fly into mine from the side, knocking me directly into a tanker, where I promptly exploded. How he got away unscathed, I'll never know.
  9. Holy fuck, an honest-to-God belly laugh. Thanks, HBW. THIS. How am I supposed to immerse myself in a miniature SoCal if there's not one Santana song to cruise the PCH to at night?!
  10. Simple fix: Make up meanings for everything you hear. It immediately doubles the amount of fun you can have with GTAO.
  11. Those hospital bills are annoying as fuck. Other than that, it's beautiful.
  12. If you're on Xbox, I'd be happy to help you out and share cash if need be.
  13. Every single time I try to get a jet out of Ft. Zancudo, I'm always taken out by the military. Lucky you, Parker. Good pic, SJM.
  14. ^lol The tapping thing also works for singing in showers.
  15. More "Legal Work" hours results in a less "shady" appearance. You can get a suit or even a tux (like me) for free if your Legal Work hours are high enough. If you're not satisfied with your initial clothing option, move the slider to the opposite end and try again. You can just tap on your mic as well. The bonuses of this: you don't have to strain your vocal cords shouting racial slurs and you can convince your game-mates that you're masturbating.
  16. I'm interested. Sounds like it could turn out to be pretty fuckin' cool.
  17. Plus that funky vibe from Vice City. I wonder if that blend was intentional.
  18. Me, too. HGW, Zimmer, all those guys are geniuses. Since I'm a cheap fuck, I'll just wait a few weeks for someone to post it on YouTube. Thanks, bOnEs. EDIT: Found it. The track I was looking for is called "A Bit of an Awkward Situation". *bangs head* DOUBLE EDIT: Maybe not.