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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. I'm going to see what can and can't be done regarding customization of aircraft. Pink Cargobob FTW.
  2. He's alluding to the sub-par quality of the trees' graphics. Wasn't it obvious?
  3. Well, people, it's been a blast to share our wants and needs for V in this topic. Dreams were shattered, hopes were dashed. Joy and elation often welled up, as did tears of sorrow and regret. Yet as this topic grows old and draws ever nearer to obsolescence come Tuesday, I find my primary desire unfulfilled as I gaze regretfully into the screenshots and snippets of video we get. An item of utmost arboreal importance continues to be neglected and abandoned by Garbut's henchmen. Those at Rockstar North's Art department have entirely ignored the silent pleas of thousands of loyal fans, building wispy green blobs where proud oaks, firs, and sequoias should stand mightily and tower over the otherwise gorgeous Los Santos landscape. A quality tree is vital to the essence of any open-world game. The masterminds at Rockstar North would doubtlessly know this best. And yet the fuckin' trees still look like shit!
  4. Sorry about that. I knew I should have slipped more than one in your drink. Also, how confident are you in the new server's ability to handle the coming shitstorm, Fitty?
  5. Hm...For some reason, I just can't imagine a rapper spitting rhymes that discuss his recent purchase of a laundromat/Mickey D's franchise/car wash. Or talking about the daily grind in his cubicle, or wrapping up sandwiches at Subway.
  6. Many thanks. Reckon I could cut down on the icing sugar and replace some with blueberry syrup if I wanted a smoother, less pulpy frosting?
  7. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    I intend to. Keeping my head up my ass all the time tends to make it uncomfortably hot. The sand is a nice, refreshing change of pace.
  8. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    Nope. I don't. I am quite familiar with the meaning of the word "claim", though.
  9. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    BlackSox: You fail to understand the implications of a "claim". Let me illustrate. Do I speak the truth? Your call, sweetie.
  10. I came. I'd very much appreciate the recipe, if you're willing to do the typing. Is that a modification of the Bittman recipe?
  11. Mm, lookit that Chevy go. Mm, lookit that Chevy go. I do. Test. How many posts is this?
  12. Man, that was good shit. I like King's apocalyptic stuff. How did you like it, Parker?
  13. Rich cunts, rich cunts all of 'em. In speaking of cunts, I don't see my name on the list up yonder. I'll certainly be able to make it on Sunday, so count me in.
  14. Finished Buddy Guy's autobiography, "When I Left Home" in a few hours. It's a quality read, making it pretty hard to put down. It chronicles his humble roots in backwoods Lu'zianna and his first brush with a guitar, up to and beyond his pilgrimage to Chicago and subsequent rise to popularity. It offers a glimpse into the (often shady) music business and the spiritual bid'ness of the 'lectric blues as told in Buddy's epic style. Everything from the man's loving friendships with legends like Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King, and Junior Wells to the goings-on at his Legends club in Chicago are discussed with wistful fondness and the soulful passion that could only come from the likes of Buddy. Fans of the man or fans of the blues as a whole will get a kick and some valuable lessons out of this read. (Ace, get on this) As you'll discover, the blues is about more than just tears -- the blues is composed of laughter and joy, love and hate, anguish and despair. Yes, the blues is half tears and half laughs. You'll be shedding plenty of both when you crack open this book.
  15. Could have been anyone, Mercy. Loads of Southern Ohioans are creepy and reclusive.
  16. Fuckin' hell. We're in for some greatness come the first of October, ladies and gentlemen.
  17. This error is keeping all the n00bs out, cutting down on traffic. Hey, Fitty, tell that guy everything's fine.
  18. Elder Scrolls is contesting with GTA? If it were Fallout, I wouldn't be nearly as surprised.