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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Mind-blowing. All my hat are off to the Three Amigos that mapped this masterpiece; you, Pud, and DuP. You guys really made this wait a lot more bearable. Thanks, gentlemen.
  2. There's a trace of a white edge on the right border of his box art. Like me, that dude did a half-assed job of cutting it out.
  3. I imagine it'd be like the BASE jumps in TBoGT. After a brief loading screen, you're whisked to some high-up landmark/airborne vehicle and are given a target to reach.
  4. Speaking of bound and punished, I'm in, for what it's worth.
  5. I love what R* is doing with the minimalist approach to the game case. Just enough to intrigue newcomers to the series and more than enough to let the franchise vet know exactly what they're in for this go-round. The 17th can't come quick enough.
  6. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    I'm left wondering, in what units do they measure the "speed" of a console? Jigawatts?
  7. Good God, looks like there's an awful lot of info to be gleaned from the new screens. 'Dem vistas. gtagrl would approve.
  8. Looks like something you'd find in the Mojave Wasteland. Are you sure that stuff was local and not shipped from a farm near the Fukushima plant...?
  9. Because that's where the first unread post would be, assuming you've already ventured into the topic before.
  10. *gasp* It's evenly split between IV and BoGT at the moment... *bites nails*
  11. They could have fed so many homeless. I'm so glad they didn't.
  12. Tell yous what -- ask Joe King. He's the one that brought it to my attention, so he'd know better than I. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.
  13. I don't know, but it's in one of the leaked TV ads. All I can tell you, my apologies.
  14. IV was great because we, the players, were going through a "culture shock" of sorts, just as Niko did. To transition from a blocky universe of wonky physics and Hollywood-esque plots to a crisp, detailed world of gritty greed and dark realism was great, in my opinion.
  15. The words of a man who really regrets his most recent purchase.
  16. "Alpha's Team" is no more. I am now commanding the Bush-League Psychout. Fear me.
  17. So, back on topic: to riff off of what Bounty said he didn't want, I'd actually appreciate a call from Roman, even if just as an Easter Egg; South Central Los Santos, twilight. Franklin peruses the lush green buffet of cannabis at the dispensary he's patronizing. As he sets his eyes on a particularly appealing strain, his phone rings. Obeying the posted sign that prohibits cell phone use, he hurries outside into the SoCal humidity, iFruit in hand. Anxiously fingering the Accept Call button, he yanks the device to his ear and barks an annoyed "H'lo?" The voice on the other end, a familiarly foreign cadence (Serbian, perhaps) timidly says "Niko? Wrong number, I'm am sorry!" and hangs up. A bewildered Franklin stares at his phone's LCD screen, shaking his head and muttering to himself. He pockets his phone, returns to the counter, and concludes his business.
  18. May need a few more tags in there, mate. I'm gonna pop a couple dozen Quaaludes and hope I forget that juicy nugget of info.
  19. How there is only one Like on that post is beyond me.
  20. I'm not surprised. That snippet in Franklin's trailer got my hopes up for a through-the-glass view, though.
  21. "There are four different in-vehicle views in addition to cinematic mode. However the cockpit view will not be included." Source: :'(