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Everything posted by Ouroboros

  1. i think we might be able to buy cars, clothes, boats and things like that. since one of the characters do work at dealership. discounted sports cars. and i hope you have LOTS of space to save cars. unlike GTA IV where you could save like 6 or 8 cars, but not all in one spot sucked.
  2. GTA IV had cameras. they didnt work, were just for show. i am thinking the same thing for this. i think it is just your mind wondering and trying to make cool things. but time will tell i guess.
  3. you know they also said including interior space. i read that as if there are a lot of interior spaces that is included in the size. so if there's a lot of interior space it would mean less outside space. just my thoughts on it though.
  4. i really hope there is something like in GTA SA with the casios. i loved doing the vegas missions. very fun.
  5. i could very well see rockstar doing this. it would be very funny and i think that something like that should be put in the game. people who play GTA will love it. i know i would anyways. giving it a funny name would be awesome too. some good suggestions have been put up here. if i had a say id have to pick a few different nick names. haha
  6. im looking for something as real as GTA IV was but i would like some more features. there were a lot of things missed out that were stupid in a way but made the game cool and a bit more fun. like the ability to be able to hook up a trailer to drive a semi. i would also like guns brought back like the lock on rocket launcher and things like that. i would also like more cheats. GTA IV's cheats sucked. GTA SA's cheats were amazing. i think that boat cheats shouldnt go through a phone as well. because i would like to use a boat cheat WHILE in the water. haha.
  7. i love this. this was an amazing idea. very useful to know when people are lieing in a big time.
  8. it would be amazing if they would have as many safe houses as in GTA SA. I was disappointed with there only being 4 safe houses in GTA IV.