OG Trev

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Everything posted by OG Trev

  1. jet pack will be in the heavy arteilery pack. that pack will include heavy weapons better armor 200% vehicle armor the prison bus v2 and more war shit. i promise.
  2. i see you guys like my hookup. iCrazyTeddy helps him along with another guy. all 3 of them are a team i guess but they help each other out with info. but i dont know if its going to be july 4th the dlc will be released on but the 4th will be a weekend event. i garentee there will be fireworks in the sky of gtao
  3. and id say 50k. only if they make them have waves of people like survival. that would be much better than the leaked videos of heists.
  4. guess i didnt notice while i was busy running over hookers for a refund.
  5. they added some things to storymode. theres now a sewer tunnel with a soccer ball in it. idk if there was always a ufo attarched to a store near the vinewood tour bus route. its on that main road.
  6. AYE. the shoulder is for emergencies only, if you were actually cheating i wouldof slashed a tire before the race. js.
  7. got pulled over with a joint in my hand and the cop didnt notice the 6 bags of mcdonalds in the car or the fact i kept laughing at his hat.
  8. theyve pissed off about 10 million people so they might aswell release them before they fuck themselves on this game
  9. it isnt a managers fault they work hard at what they maintain for years. maybe funding is the problem.
  10. K. this means i dont give a fuck. why dont you go piss and moan about how your race is supperior to the rest of the world you nigglet.
  11. k. enjoy your opinion. the thing is i grew up with san andreas and i garentee i logged more hours on that game than most fans have. i would go home from school every day and play it for 7 hours to 16 hours daily for around 6 years. i know every quote of the game. does that make me a fan? no. what makes a fan is being loyal to the game and hating CRASH with a passion. but ive owned 7 copies of it and. i knew the game inside and out. i am a real fan wether you think so or not. a real fan knows whats what of a certian game. and everyone who is an ACTUAL fan and not someone who played it once would want cj back. and pal... do you even know how many heists there were? theres way more heist content than you think. i doubt youre even worthy to run this fansite if you cant realize the cancer youve spread with one post about a game. another thing... vice city wasnt expected or san andreas. it was liberty city that we expected. it was san andreas we wanted and it was vice city we hated.
  12. if i remember correctly they DID listen to shit fans. about all the fans shitty or not wanted los santos back, and they wanted cj, they wanted heists in sp, they wanted cj moms murderer to die. and they wanted a long story with weird easter eggs. they listened to shit fans. what shit fans got us is a game that was good enough for a few million people to buy and worship. regaurdless of them listening to shit fans or not its a descent enough game for this website to exist and have 150 million results on google that mention a 10 out of 10 for gta 5
  13. i know of coding but havent seen it. they may also add it as a cheat too. in gta s a they had soooo many cheats that you would enter a state of dillusion. also i dont think dlc will cost anything. all dlc will be free. most likely more exclusive seasonal dlc will be limited and cost something eventually like the collectors and special edition codes. 15 bucks each on ebay.
  14. it really shouldve been added in the game by now. rockstar must be halfassing it to put shit items in game. i dont understand the 6 pistols. two are different. the heavy and ap pistol the rest are the same. the bullpup rifle is all over the place. i try for a headshot and the recoil makes the guy be alerted.
  15. Anyone think the jetpack will be added soon?
  16. kentucky.... we got lake cumberland, one of two moonbows in the universe. the other is in africa. and the largest coal mine in america i think. we also got the cumberland gap somewhere west in ky.
  17. it was able in march when i was online. they patch normal shit but cant fix hackers and glitchers. fuck you rockstar
  18. do a 1v1 race. bet on the other guy. lose on purpose.
  19. do the jumps jumps jumps race a dozen times its short and pays well for a race.
  20. i really like survival. hope they dont fuck up boneyard or sandy shores. i can go with the railroad cops one. got a perfect spot in each with min. damage but i need 1 person always to cover my back. i wish there was a survival creator.
  21. i garentee they will be doing a prize thing for making us wait. maybe 1 mill just because its been nearly a year since they delayed them origanally.
  22. didnt they delay heists again?
  23. why the fuck does rockstar do this shit? they dont let single player do anything. gtao takes place before sp so this should already exist in sp.