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Everything posted by NativeWay

  1. Irrelevant. Even if the game wasn't delayed and gta 5 had a October release window, you can bet your ass that rockstar would release it in October. And it was not going to come or on the 24th of may at all, not enough time.
  2. dubstep... enough said. and by the way, there is already a music theory topic so this is probably going to get merged as soon as the mods wake up.
  3. blimp tours, i want elevators that you can use as well as window washing platforms, more realistic car damage, better mission access; through cell phone or over the internet - gives the phone and computer a better purpose, better vehicle spawn distance; i don't want to see my same car on every corner, rid the friend respect and like, more missions, for some weird reason i want a mall... just thought it was cool in vice city, if an interior isn't enter-able it still shouldn't have that paper texture crap- maybe posters or adverts but other then that no paper textures, expansive weather situations, and faster clothing selector.
  4. ... im speechless. the only thing i would want out of that, are out-of-car radios that play music. have fun getting flamed.
  5. how about instead of that you give me a rough estimation of the total population that are buying gta V that want that feature in gta, I am not living in a cave, but for your ignorant ass in the real word when someone tells you something you don't provide a bunch of post to dumbasses that could simply be little kids behind a desk stating their opinion. if you want to include an statement such as "the majority of the people" do a fucking survey and prove it, otherwise you are just speaking over what you think is reality, and even then after you do a survey you cannot assume that the results are accurate, since that could represent a part of the population that is simply mature enough not to care. I personally don't care, but I prefer that feature is not added, as it seems like something of a waste of time, and I rather see it as something that is rather optional and not required, that is also what I stated on my other post that you seem to not understand. "but in my opinion that was a retarded feature in the game that we luckily won't have to see again" that is an opinion and that is what I said next time try not to outsmart me, because I am certain that your knowledge of things differs greatly from mine. are we clear? btw I had to add this also "If you know the internet is full of nothing but ShitList potential.. " "You want proof? Stop living in A cave and check out the GTA forums, YouTube, Facebook, and wherever else ppl talk about GTA." you are basically stating that people who want that feature back should be on the Shitlist. gyms are back... so i don't know where you're going with that one.
  6. the guy overlooking the city, the guy in the blue car, the guy in the black car, the guy leading the bank heist...... they are all the same dude.
  7. rockstar did clue in to their process. they said that they would start with the location, then the protagonist and then the story line. starting from the beginning of that, and building up from there. id say just a little more than 3/5's of the game is done. the mission and cut-scene implications, multiplayer, and bug termination. they also said a while ago that they were making goo progress. but, it the game come out in October, which it most like will, then it will really just be a bonus. waiting until next year is only going to upset the little kids who shouldn't even be playing the game but do anyway because their dumb parents don't understand the ratings.
  8. the protagonist is proposed to have moved to los santos, it must have been and internal immigration for him to speak English that well. you can collect from the sound of his voice that he is at least nearing his mid 30's. as of race..... to be honest, it wouldn't really matter. it's definitive that it isn't the guy in the red car, i can assure you that much. the man watching over the city looks a bit old; so if the guy leading the bank heist is different from this man it will most likely be him.
  9. yess, cause god knows nobody plays arcade games in the generations
  10. If the wii u sells really good then it would be a smart idea to have some kind of version of gta 5 on it. this way, rockstar does better in sales and the will have the money to advance their technology
  11. its been confirmed!!!! C.J. isn't in 5. Tommy Vercetti isn't in 5. we all know Claude isn't going to be in 5 either. they are all dead, deal with it. the most you can expect is to see a few cameos from Niko, but don't get your hopes up. don't care if C.J. is "cool", i doubt it would be cool to play as some 72 year old who walks slow, holds his back and shits himself all the time: yeaaa, a fucking diaper changing mini-game would be just great.
  12. parody of tmz. considering the tmz building is in la it makes sense.
  13. well it is about the recession right? the player has lost a job due to some kind of mishap within the game that is related to the countries dept. the players house or what ever is either going to be fore-closed on, and you would have to do mission to make money in order to pay it off. or it is fore-closed on, and you move to a crappy apartment; doing missions to work your way back to the top. the character has no kids, but as the trailers voice-over guy says; he wants kids. he is not married or in a relation ship and he will not be really old; late 20's to early 30's.
  14. You wouldnt need your health to regenerate, just more food vendors and health packs around where you do the missions. the have a few of em already but i guess you couldnt find them.
  15. like forza 4' autovista. meh its a decent idea. if when you walk into the store and press a button it goes into a car selection platform already in first person then sure. but honestly, not alot of people want to buy cars if you get what im trying to say. right?
  16. if xbox and ps3 could handle skyrim, then i think they can handle a simple detailed map and interior cut-scene inputs....
  17. driving around i like as well, but i agree with you on more various missions and the fact your friends are kind of annoying. heists, hell yeah that'd be great. maybe if they had some cool spy type missions. i also want something like the group of missions you did in san andreas to get all the stuff you need to do the casino heist mission.
  18. i wouldnt mind if there was like... a project x- style party going on and the cops show up and you have to kill them off. but throwing parties or going to one every week..... nah im sorry, that just doesnt seem like the fun will stick.
  19. what if you kept the guns in the trunk of the vehicle your using.... idk.
  20. i agree with the staples center and a little bit of a destructible environment. i also want wider roads with more lanes. now into the real stuff. i think that gta 5 should have a wider variety of mission structure, more missions like "three leaf clover" etc would be would make the game more fun instead of just going to a destination and killing people because someone doesn't have enough balls to do it them self, example: a person you are working for has an eye on this nice exotic car and he really wants it because he is a rich bastard who wants everything he sees even if he doesn't need it, the car is on a display platform at a dealership or outside a downtown building. to get it you cause a distraction down the street to get pedestrians attention away from the area (using actual strategy) so you can steal the car. you go through a pretty awesome cop-chase sequence and then you get the vehicle to said person (in the whole general process killing many people but running them over and such). also if you did missions for yourself, in a sense where you would do something to benefit you and only you, example: you are about to have your house foreclosed on and you because you don't have the money to pay mortgage, so you wait till night time to go rob a jewelry store. you smash the window with a brick (more environmental interaction) to get in, gather up everything and escape in the back alley-ways to get away from the cops by taking many different routes due to many of them being blocked (like in "I AM ALIVE" while trying to get to the apartment in the beginning of the game). it would also be cool to see rewards that are not anything related to money or respect (cars, properties, houses,etc). sorry this is long but thanks for reading if you did.
  21. LOL! 100% bullshit. Unless you can prove it. There is probably a military base, sure. But nuclear tests? No way. once and a while meaning very rare. and they usually would not do a test near inhabitants of cali.... and they are saying people like me ignore logic? smh