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Everything posted by snoepzakje12gta5

  1. Its roman bellic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. you can say things in here you just want to say
  3. why not og loc or a other funny character? I dont want to play as a boring niko again
  4. I hope you can use the enviremont in gta 5 with melee combat such as climbing on a container and then dropkick someone
  5. Do you want mafia 3 or red dead redemption 3? I made a new one of this topic cause the other one is locked because I was not aware mafia 3 was a 2k game The same topic was at the rockstar thingie and it got locked cause mafia 3 is not from rockstar games
  6. In rdr you getting caught to easy you schould be able to sneak away but in rdr the persons who look for ya always going your way
  7. In the last mission you see that that native girl is going on that helicopter to and in the ryder white dlc they say she is the reason of that plague so plague goes to a new place=dead island 2?
  8. I was aware of red dead revolver to but I dont count it as a red dead redemption
  9. I like to know what do you want more a new mafia or red dead?
  10. check out the enviorment get wanted looking for schops and kinda stuff so free roam and of course going to grove street
  11. What can we do in prisons (if they are in gta 5)