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Everything posted by Pobjason

  1. great photos dup, yeah it was a fun night for sure
  2. sorry to spam you, but i ended up with a good bit of pics, and a video
  3. i say a 50's night, or 50;s gangster night we have the clothes and the cars, ratrod trucks, tornados, roosevelts, corqette classic etc
  4. got a few snaps, most of them are of bmx getting beat up by different people lol, and i will put together a video tomorrow from my elgato i got a little video of when dozy ran into the gas pumps and died lol
  5. i made a vintage race that goes across town from the casino to the pier, and i also made a sniper lts, not vintage, but still something you can add if you want to
  6. full black jacket i have a death last team standing made at the biker trailer park from back in the day
  7. hell yeah i will finally come out of my gta retirement and join you guys!!!
  8. yeah the stash boxes where a nice little upgrade to the game
  9. damn i was planning to make this crew night, even already got my car ready for it and completly forgot about it last night!
  10. yeah it was me , mullet and a pistol, MERICA!!!!!
  11. hot damn i finally get my mullet and american flag motorcycle
  12. i am finally level 32, and getting close to the end of the main story, i have started fighting the wild hunt, they are badass
  13. finally leveled up, and crafted a bomb last night, kinda got it all figured out now, i havent even did a main quest yet, still doing side missions from the boards in town and just going to all the unknown markers and unlocking them.
  14. great game! very hard to level up, the developers said you will want to do alot of side missions to level up before you tackle the main stories, also, you can buy low from somer merchants and sell it higher in other towns, but they did say during a live stream i watched, that money is more like real life, you dont make millions, more like just enough to get by
  15. i wasnt thinking mask , i was thinking tattooed or painted faces, crazy contacts etc,
  16. here is the whole race from the first playlist, way to much action not to show it all
  17. highlights from the first play list the way i started crew night lol bmx vs me part 2
  18. man it feels good to be back!!! a few snaps from tonight, videos will be posted later tonight
  19. will try to be there, been so busy doing stuff around the house now that time changed and we have longer we can work outside