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Everything posted by beatnicpie

  1. I'm in, but I won't be around until 10:30 pm at the earliest. I got work. But if anyone's still playing, you'll be playing with me. And yes, I voted OG GTA, but I'm up for anything. And I mean anything...
  2. The Duck Hunt dynasty has clearly been shafted.
  3. Back on topic! Every time I read anything about the online world of GTA, I want to have a safe house way out in the middle of nowhere. As this is something I haven;t seen discussed much in the articles, I look forward to my options as a home owner outside of Los Santos city limits. I gonna be a hermit.
  4. Dammit Dup! Clearly you should have made and released your own, superior, version of GTAV by now!
  5. That's the beauty of it all. When I get bored with GTA, Watchdogs will be incredibly cheap.
  6. I can find the ins and outs of a ducks arse right now, thank you very much.
  7. You've never seen a spelling error? It's obviously "week and a half". C'mon now. Nope. It was an honest mistake. Like yers.
  8. GameStop would tell you crap is delicious even with direct evidence to the contrary. And BMW, why do you have enough respect for GameStop to capitalize it properly, but you never choose to capitalize the first letter of a sentence?
  9. It was a sad excuse for game journalism, but fuck it. I was mildly entertained for ten minutes. And I do appreciate how they are continuously undermining the next generation of consoles. It makes the crotchety old miser in me smile deviously.