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Everything posted by Brian

  1. playstation. why pay to go online Because of way more features, and PS4 now has paid service so...
  2. PS3 was fucked when it came to recording. Xbox all you need was two HDMI cords, PS3 had this one odd cord that you needed to plug in and switch to each time from HDMI.
  3. Brian


    I signed up but haven't received an email yet
  4. They'll nag you the entire time though...
  5. Blazin still plays? Wooooow, it's been quite a long time. Also, does anyone remember this?
  6. Brian

    Computer help

    Do splitters cut down on speed or anything?
  7. Brian


    I'd laugh so hard
  8. Thanks, was going to pay but someone recomended that. Also, Ace, you could do a lot with a Crown Vic like that, what did you have in mind?
  9. Brian

    Computer help

    Didn't want to make a new topic. We're getting Fios triple play, and we agreed to put the modem in my room (to hook my computer up to a wired connection). I have one coax cable in my room, which Fios uses, but it is currently in my cable box. When they set it up, if they use the coax on the modem, how will they set up the Set-top box? I live in an apartment so I don't know exactly how much they could do.
  10. Brian


    I think some of the new games look amazing. Haven't looked at many ports. I strayed away from V so all I really care about is PC version for mods, that's it.
  11. Brian

    E3 Yep, PS4, Xbone, and PC Fall, really? Yeesh. Hope it's modifiable, LSPD:FR... sounds amazing on this.
  12. Brian


    Kinda gay if GTA V is a PS4 exclusive, considering it was out on 360. Not buying PS4 just for V though. I'm holding off until later in the year. I just heard it was announced for PC? Any confirmation?
  13. Anyone have any experience with cutting their springs? I heard it's good to lower ride height but also makes the car bouncy as hell.
  14. Brian

    E3 This trailer gave me all types of feels, I'm looking forward to hearing more about this game.
  15. Brian


    That got me hard This looks amazing too.
  16. Brian


    Nah, just another FPS. They need a modern sandbox cop game with multiplayer to get me all hard.
  17. I doubt by the time all 50 states, or even a few legalize it, the government will have an easy time regulating it once again and taking away the right for an individual or local businesses to grow their own without huge public disobedience.
  18. If other states follow what Colorado and Washington have done, then government will not get involved, or will have little influence. Instead of corporations getting involved in marijuana itself, they'll use the market for smoking devices, grinders, papers, etc. to make their money. Also count in edibles and stuff. Plus, the two states currently allow you to grow a set amount of plants for your own production, which you can't do with tobacco, and dispensaries have to grow something like 70% of their own marijuana. New time period, new laws, new product, new generation of business.
  19. Plus, I heard flying KLM is amazing.
  20. Season 2 released today, didn't it? Thanks for the reminder. Fun fact, they filmed some segments out at Riverhead County Jail here on Long Island, and while driving through main street in the town they saw Suffolk Theater, an old looking cinema, and apparently they loved it so much they filmed there too. I saw some of the filming one day for a few minutes. Didn't get to meet Jason Biggs or Taylor Schilling though...