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Posts posted by Brian

  1. You can call it a douche-y car, but it's not a newer one, plus it came from someone I knew, it's not like I just went out and bought it, the deal was there and it wasn't available for long, so I used my own money as said and decided on it. I researched insurance costs and checked all service records and everything. Even got a second opinion from a mechanic in the family. I was responsible about the purchase, and I'm a responsible person. I plan on this car lasting me at least another 10 years, and in my opinion that's a great thing when buying a car.

  2. Brian is not the Mustang type. Whatever happened to cars reflecting people's personalities? E.g., me driving a Prius?

    Hence why I bought an Alero.

    Quiet, Relaxed, and a pleasure to be inside of.

    Really? Cause the way you're going on you seem rather jealous.

    Say what you want about Mustangs, they're reliable and it's a solid vehicle. Good trunk room, comfortable to sit and and drive, and it's been maintained perfectly. I can't think of a better deal for myself.

  3. Oh wait what? It's a 2004 for one, it's a V6, it's got 83,000, and I bought it all with my own money for $4000 plus I'm paying for insurance on my own by working. If I want a mustang over a shitty 90's Toyota I'll take it, I worked hard for it, and if I can afford it then I deserve it.

  4. If you love being together with a bunch of strangers all having a good time while drinking endless amounts of beer and eating a fuck ton of good food at a bunch of different beer tents then Oktoberfest is for you.

    It is more then just the beer and eating though, it has a whole history behind it and is a huge thing in Bavaria. It's one of those things I would love to experience at least once in life. Munich is great for sightseeing too, and just a short drive south you can get yourself to many great lakes in the mountains near the Austrian border.

  5. Daylight in a 3 month period or so would mean around a 7 hour day, a few days in the north would not mean depression. It's also not nearly as cloudy as Cuda makes it out to be, it's not England. Here's an excerpt.

    Abisko National Park, a couple of kilometers north of Kiruna, is a prime location for viewing the northern lights. The scientifically proven ‘blue hole’ – a patch of sky over the Torneträsk lake that usually remains clear despite overcast weather in surrounding areas – gives Abisko its own microclimate, which is suitable for catching the lights.

    I don't know why people here are so opposed to this region, but it truly is beautiful, from what I've seen and heard from first hand accounts.

    Despite my recommendations for Sweden, Tromso Norway is the most famous town for aurora chasing in Europe and is right in the middle of the aurora belt. It's also very easy to get to. Plus, what a lot of people do is you can head to the coast if it's cloudy inland and vice versa.

  6. Cuda he wouldn't be there long enough to become depressed... Plus with all the shit he would wind up seeing for the first time in his life it wouldn't even cloud his mind.

    Plus I believe he said August, meaning if it was 8-9 months like he planned then he would wind up getting there around the March/April mark, while April is not a good time to view the Aurora Borealis, March is and he will get on average 10 hours of sunlight in the early month and around 14 in April, and it continues to grow each month.