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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Why is hot so hot? The conventional explanation is that the nation has an increasingly adventurous palate. Immigration and prosperity have made Americans more sophisticated eaters, pushing wasabi peas into the mainstream, along with chili-Thai lime cashews, cayenne chocolate bars, and other high-octane combinations.

    But some food scientists and market researchers think there is a more surprising reason for the broad nationwide shift toward bolder flavors: The baby boomers, that huge, youth-chasing, all-important demographic, are getting old. As they age, they are losing their ability to taste - and turning to spicier, higher-flavor foods to overcome their dulled senses.

    Chiefly because of degenerating olfactory nerves, most aging people experience a diminished sense of taste, whether they realize it or not. But unlike previous generations, the nation's 80 million boomers have broad appetites, a full set of teeth, and the spending power to shape the entire food market.

    "There's no question that as the baby boomers are aging they're losing their taste buds, and as a result they're drawn not only to more spicy foods, but to more flavorful foods of all kinds," said Phil Lempert, a food market analyst who runs, which tracks consumer trends in supermarkets and restaurants.

  2. I'm bemused about the excitement over sriracha or hot sauce and the like because they are condiments. It's like someone jizzing all over their plate because they discovered ketchup or mustard or salsa. Your food should be well seasoned and tasty before you start adding small amounts of condiments to accentuate what's already there. Some of the guys at work dump so much Frank's on their lunch every day I'd be shocked if their taste buds still work at all.

    That is one reason why hot sauce has become such a mainstream thing. With baby boomers and adults growing older their taste buds aren't as strong as they used to be, and the hot sauce compensates with that.

    Gunny introduced me to Sriracha, and I used it on almost everything for a few days, and quickly because somewhat sick of it. Today was the first time I had it in two months probably. It's good, but not that great, plus it was mixed with Mayo, helping the flavor seem a little different. I rarely use hot sauce anyway.

  3. Yeah fuel door is kind of a waste of money. I'm going with the headlights then.

    Few more, do you think I should also get a 14 inch antenna to replace the 29 inch which is only like 20 bucks?


    and these sequential tail lights

    You're probably not going to use the radio, so cut the antenna off and fence with it.

    That's another thing, I would like a double din radio replacement because the stock one doesn't have a USB port, although it does have a six slot CD player and stuff, it's a really nice unit that I'll probably sell.