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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Owning a PS3 for two years before getting my 360, and playing both side by side for three years after that, the 360 was far superior in almost every aspect, and I was a Sony fanboy in the beginning.

    You do not have first hand experience with both, so why do you consist on constantly bashing on it.

    • Like 1

  2. These people had legitimate gripes, Black. I doubt they'd be so extreme in their console rivalry that they'd register false accounts on Amazon and spam 1-star reviews. Oddly, most people don't take the console rivalry seriously (who'da thunk it???) -- they recognize the differences between Microsoft and Sony's product as minimal. They realize that people's preference for either company will differ and they accept the opinions of others with an absolute minimum of ranting tirades against their chosen company's rival.

    In other words, most people are rational when it comes to consoles that haven't even been out for a full week yet each unlike you.

  3. ==========================

    In relevant news, Amazon reviewers are pissed off about the failure rate. 2,470 people reviewed the PS4; of those, 651 complained of a failure right out of the box. Crazy shit, I hope Sony rectifies this soon.

    inb4 someone blacksox blames this on Xbox fanboys again

  4. The PS4's GPU potentially holds even more power than previously thought ~

    Story below ~

    PS4's GPU may hold more power than originally believed

    "The PlayStation 4's graphical processing unit, which already has an impressive graphical output, appears to have additional processors that weren't counted in the original figure.

    The PS4's GPU, entitled "Pitcairn," is clocked in at 1.84 teraflops of processing per second, thanks to the former count of 1152 stream processors, which allow devices to better manage and delegate information for faster loading. However, after a closer look by, the PS4 has more.


    Pitcairn, or the AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series, according to the images provided, houses 20 graphic cores, and each core has 64 stream processors, which totals to be 1280, leaving 128 of these stream processors unaccounted for. Now, as the report on the WCCF Tech website indicates, these extra processors could simply be dead.

    However, the chance that these extra processors are merely dormant is worth consideration, which means that the PS4 could have more graphical power in the future than it does now. Sony has done things like this in the past: the PS3 didn't use all the processor cores that the Cell Processor had, which was chalked up to avoiding redundancy, and the PlayStation Portable didn't have its maximum 333 MHz output either in order to better manage battery life.

    Until Sony issues a formal statement on this extra hardware, the existence of the extra stream processors can only inspire speculation. Once official word releases, be sure to find out more about the PS4 and its future right here at PSU."

    That would be relevant if people could it worked.

    That would be relevant if it worked on launch.

  5. Whoever wrote that article is an idiot. The TOS ( Terms of Service ) Agreement they are referring too is the exact same one that Sony has used for the PlayStation 1, 2 & 3. And has never been enforced by Sony.

    Shuhei Yoshida the President of Sony Worldwide Studios even came out today and made a statement on Twitter clarifying that there has been no change in Sony's stance on selling second-hand/ used-games.

    Meanwhile every dumbass Xbot comes out saying "OMG $ony Phonies are soo stupid, now they can't trade in games like our Lord & Master Micro$oft wanted to do too us" Derp...

    This. IF it's even enforced, this new TOS will only apply to game rental services and stores that sell used games. The average joe has nothing to worry about.

    A majority of these sales are in game stores and game rental services anyway, obviously it's a big fucking deal. It's a blow to other businesses and people who rely on these services.

  6. Yea. I've always prefered xboxes ui

    Can't beat those Ads...

    The advertisements always relate to gaming, or entertainment. They do not get in the way, they do not blast out loud, they are not videos, and they do not change experience one bit. The UI on Xbox is superior in looks and ease to use. No loading times, and always reliable.

    • Like 1

  7. I had the misfortune of trying Mickey D's Mighty Wings just now. The only thing "mighty" about these bird appendages is when they leave your lower GI. Dry meat with an overly crunchy breading for a buck apiece? Fuck you too, McDonald's.

    Cleveland just must be a giant shit hole. I'm not saying Mcdonalds is the definition of quality, but when I tried them here, the wings were nice.

    Of the Big Three nationally available fast-food joints (Mickey D's, Wendy's, and BK), which do you all prefer?

    Also, Mcdonalds, but I rarely eat fast food, most often I eat it is like once every six months. McChicken is the way to go.