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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Home made chicken fried rice the other day, simple and tasty.

    Sauteed a whole onion and 4 scallions, then added some chicken that i had roasted earlier in the day in slices, then i added two cups of brown rice and added soy sauce until it tasted fine. Then fried two eggs over easy and put them on top.

    Hearty meal.

  2. I used to get these on the back of my Rizlas. Fond memories.

    Acting on a tip of, the police raid a flat to arrest a suspected murderer. They don't know what he looks like but they know his name and know that he is in the flat. The police burst into the flat and see a bricklayer, cab driver, an electrician and a fireman. They immediately arrest the firemen . How do they know they've got the murderer?

    Because he was the only dude?