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Posts posted by Brian

  1. and I'm called immature...

    Massacre, Fallout 3 was amazing, I'll agree with that.

    An endless amount of repetitive stuff sure, it doesn't feel the same to me, get over it.

    Bronson, considering the fact your a pathological liar and your profound skills of dancing to dubstep you keep telling yourself that to be happy.

    Online is practically ten times better as I can do almost everything I can do in single player but with friends, it made the game for me.

    I won't do my top give because I'm on mobile and I don't feel like typing it out.

  2. Up until V came out, I still regularly played IV, L.A Noire, RDR and Max Payne 3 (heck even the original Trilogy), even though I've finished them countless times. Since I never got bored of them, I don't think I'll get bored with V for a looong time.

    I actually get stressed out because when I fire up the game, I find there's too much to do and it's a little overwhelming.

    Anyone who over-hyped the game for themselves only have there self to blame...

    I didn't over hype the game, after the first delay I lost all excitement for it, and to be honest, I'm glad I didn't continue to over-hype it. R* didn't do nearly as good as they could have, and anyone who disagrees can have their opinion, but I sense a lot of blacksocking, or fanboying I should say in this thread. It's a good game, but not 10/10. The campaign was the best part for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed it more than some past GTA's.

  3. I feel sorry for people who are bored of this game. Not empathy, no. I can't feel that. I feel pity. Especially for you young people. Back in the San Andreas days, we knew how to have fun. I had a single file with 1200 hours on it. I made my own fun, long after I had seen everything the game had to offer. If you're bored of GTA V after two weeks, you might as well just kill yourself.

    I could play San Andreas for hours on end, and I have just as you. V didn't feel like what I expected out of this hyped up GTA, and it is a bit over rated. Because I don't exactly feel the same as you don't mean I don't enjoy it, but I don't find myself racing to get to my console to put it in. I do enjoy it none-the-less, but it isn't as great as many say. After two or three hours I find myself shutting it off, enjoying my session, and picking it up two or three days later.

  4. Highly erratic online times for me. I tend to lurk and Appear Offline.

    AKA anti-social ;)

    Moar liek "could do without being bombarded by Party invites and messages".

    Set to busy, or tell people to stop bombarding you...

    I'm on evenings EST. If you're looking for a crew and you're not under 18, go ahead and send me an add.

    Also, Brian - how did you 100% everything in GTAIV in one day?

    Having no life that summer day.