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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Why don't we just do Friday games?! Majority of people are off for the weekend and it's weeknight.
  2. Most likely I'll have football until six, and when I get home I'll be really tired, so it's a give or take.
  3. I won't be on too late either, school starting tomorrow. Around 8-9 I'll be getting off.
  4. Can you please put this into spoiler tags, some don't want to read the article and that may contain info some don't want to see.
  5. Gonna blow everything up in a buzzard again?
  6. Sign me up, will be recording and I won't cop out on this one.
  7. Oooh, well, I'm not too sure, I guess you'll have to wait, perhaps write the article, list the ones not available for preview, then update it...