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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Brian

    XBOX One

    Nope, I'm serious. I like how the set up is, I like how you can watch a football game while Skyping with friends, I like how it gives real time Roster updates.
  2. Brian

    XBOX One

    That looks awesome.
  3. I play football and still have no idea what I'm doing either. Just look at the numbers, Gunny.
  4. Brian

    XBOX One

    Xbox One Could Offer Backwards Compatibility Through The Cloud
  5. This movie looks like it'll be pretty damn good.
  6. Brian

    Total War Series

    I haven't experienced a single issue, if you watch the video through it runs very fluid. I also have it set on he highest graphical settings.
  7. The video was definitely put together very well. You can tell it was a film project, anything like that, still fills you with an uneasy feeling though.
  8. Brian

    XBOX One

    So you're saying, my $160 X41's aren't good for anything anymore?
  9. Brian

    Total War Series

    Honestly I love it, and playing it I can see just how wrong and stupid IGN was XD You'll enjoy it! Hope it gets delivered soon.
  10. That god damn music...
  11. Brian

    XBOX One

    Did they confirm an adapter for current gen headsets?
  12. Brian

    Total War Series

    Idk if it's advertising or whatever but I began a Let's Play
  13. I played this game and believe it or not it was fun. Edit: Maybe it was because I always crashed into shit and drove unrealistically...