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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Not on the first generation, which is what I have.
  2. I realized that, but they look fine to me. So I'm leaving them.
  3. It's an apple airport express, I got it for free from my grandpa and it's practically brand new (he got the extreme a few weeks later). I really don't have the money for a new router. Maybe a modem but that's it.
  4. Brian

    Total War Series

    I said I agreed with some and others not, finally being able to play I see many of their opinions are poor.
  5. Brian

    Total War Series

    Rome with Barbarian Invasion expansion, Medieval II and all expansions, Empire, Napoleon, Shogun II, and in ten minutes I shall play Rome II. Don't start pulling the "Oh I've been playing since X so I'm clearly better and my opinion matters over yours" card.
  6. Brian

    Total War Series

    I watched it, got a general feel for the game, agreed with some things, some others I didn't. So, once again, calm down.
  7. Brian

    Total War Series

    You're getting pissed off for the stupidest reason. Who gives a shit what they give the game? I might find the game to be shit, while you might not.
  8. Brian

    Total War Series

    That's what a review is, personal opinions, that people often don't agree with. I stopped watching "reviews" long ago and just started watching gameplays or first impressions for games. Chill out Blacksox. Anyway, I bought the game last night and I'll be home in a few hours to download and play it. Looking forward to it.
  9. You don't make a crew to make money, you do that by yourself. Business 101
  10. She has an HP from like 2005. Still has XP and shit on it, probably ridden with viruses from when I first discovered the real internet (aka porn). Anyway, I'm going to clean it out, maybe install 7 on there.
  11. My new computer works wonderfully and runs games at max settings with about 30 FPS. Only problem is my router is old and I want to replace it with a new one I got but my mom is wired to it because her computer is rather old. The new router has no option to run an ethernet out. Do they sell USB wifi cards or something for computers with no wifi?
  12. Brian

    The Sims

    I think it's one of those things where the graphics don't look all that different until release. Example - Microsoft Flight. Before release: After release: Too bad they fucked up and didn't make a great flight simulator like FSX.
  13. You look... dead like a victim fr... no too soon.
  14. Started from the bottom... Also, it's just a general question, figured I'd ask it here. After everything dies down does everyone migrate to the original forums or are we staying here?
  15. but i wan 2 b modz!!!1!!!!1 Alright, I'll give up on it.
  16. That's great until you use up your quota. Other way is easier.