
Gold Member
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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Upload to Tinypic, photobucket, etc. Once uploaded or if you are getting the image already from the internet right click, copy image url, click this button. Paste image url hit ok post
  2. Brian

    Total War Series

    It'll give me something to do before V
  3. I reccommend you watch an episode or two first Brian. Just in case. The youtube version isn't bad. It's sorta watchable... I'm not sure about the video's availability in the States. Let me know. I still have five episodes of Band of Brothers to go.
  4. *goes to buy it on itunes* Fuck me that's expensive *waits till christmas*
  5. No, Fitty said he will be creating a topic for information on gold membership for anyone interested.
  6. Brian

    Total War Series

    Gonna be preordering it soon on steam
  7. Brian


    Con, has the removal of the policies that we didn't like influenced your decision on the console you're getting? It certainly has on myself, I'm just curious as to how you had definitely decided.
  8. [found it on an old hard drive I'm sorting through, think 'bino made this years ago Good thing that isn't what I requested How careless of me. Thanks honky
  9. [found it on an old hard drive I'm sorting through, think 'bino made this years ago Good thing that isn't what I requested
  10. He did the same fucking thing but instead of writing the letters he took pictures of them on other things.
  11. Yeah well I did it first and drew out the letters. and my username was in all them and you never said specifically letters only
  12. You never said that I mean I take the time to even do it, be more clear next time.