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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Can someone make me a signature either about law enforcement or the US Navy?
  2. Brian


    Both my consoles are on their way out as well. Had a good run on Xbox.
  3. I be a modern Picaso nigga phuck! da guy is shitting brown moon
  4. Please tell me the breed is called a schnoodle. Doxiepoo but yes, I will get a wired hair dachshund and name him kaiser cause they look like the have mustaches.
  5. It is disturbing to think of how much truth is in that statement, particularly in my case. I was conceived August 17 - August 25, 1997. When were you QDs?
  6. I love Dachshunds, mine is a mix between a dachshund and a poodle. I want me a long hair pure dachshund, or a wire hair, love those. I'd name him Kaiser... "You know the Germans make great stuff".
  7. Brian

    XBOX One

    Fanboys of any sort are dumb. Brand loyalty towards anything other than soft drinks ( ) is purely idiotic. Coca-cola in a bottle, pepsi in the can.
  8. The cat is all "aha fuck you dog I'm inside". Good pic Tanner.
  9. Aye, it's alright ngr, just saying. Also, I just thought of you sitting at a diner counter late at night drinking a coffee and ordering a breakfast and you two (frycook being black) exchanging stories back and fourth about life with like no one in there.
  10. Nice story you made up there "Cooked bread and cheese is an ancient food, according to food historians, popular across the world in many cultures; evidence indicates that in the U.S., the modern version of the grilled cheese sandwich originated in the 1920s when inexpensive sliced bread and American cheese became easily available. The cheese dream became popular during the Great Depression. It was originally made as an open sandwich, but the top slice of bread became common by the 1960s. U.S. government cookbooks describe Navy cooks broiling "American cheese filling sandwiches" during World War II. Many versions of the grilled cheese sandwich can now be found on restaurant menus across the United States. According to Woman's Day, April is "Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month." Anywhore, Grilling is a form of cooking that involves dry heat applied to the surface of food, that's why in those restaurants that is considered a grill, and why I consider my bread grilled because I never use butter or oil, and it grills it and toasts the bread to a nice crisp. Edit: Everyone likes their meat how they like it, we can all disagree but that's the beauty of cooking, experimenting and eating how you like your food.
  11. You guys don't know burgers. and I never said the burger was grilled. I only refer to it being grilled in a pan if it's bread, because that's what it is. Restaurants have these, also called grills in the North East anyway aside from the grill that comes to mind out doors. Dude no beef should ever be well done. At least Medium-rare and at most medium-well.
  12. It was medium well, warm pink center and not over cooked. Hamburger should not be cooked until it is unpalatable like well done. Also, it was fresh chop meat from the butcher.
  13. 1. Putting a bun in the pan with butter is grilling it (hence grilled cheese, fucker) 2. It's a burger, if you're gonna eat it like a pussy then don't bother.
  14. It's a bait cooler for the boat, not ours, we were waiting for it to be filleted.
  15. No time to grill the bun in the pan, was hungry.
  16. Fresh made burger with dat melty cheddar some chips and a corona
  17. Went fishing catch o' the day inb4 dat blood
  18. I'm the one you deleted on Facebook
  19. Clear cache and all browsing history in browser. Try then.
  20. Well, congrats Kuz on your fine piece of work for this contest. It was rather well written for the circumstances. and mine was just a jumble of stuff anyway, I didn't expect it to win lol