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Everything posted by Brian

  1. MINE WAS FIRST YOU proud american This ain't the Asylum nor R&R. Quit having a temper tantrum kid. Take a joke man shit. Sorry, you're right, it was fucking hilarious. As long as I find it funny I don't give a shit what you think
  2. MINE WAS FIRST YOU proud american This ain't the Asylum nor R&R. Quit having a temper tantrum kid. Take a joke man, shit.
  3. 'with a dog in top' Mine was in top, brains was on top so it doesn't count It was an obvious typo, I and O are next to one another and either why both Kuz and I finished first.
  4. Sign me up, I will record and get voices as well. Also with my new PC it should come out with better quality and render a lot faster.
  5. Too much pride on the west coast.
  6. Brian

    The Sims

    Gameplay "Would you like to see my rocket"
  7. As long as it is cited you're allowed to use it, I can go write a works cited in MLA format for you.
  8. NOPE I used it as a reference which is perfectly fine you didn't ask for a works cited
  9. Well good thing I don't give a shit about looks as long as it tastes good. and that doesn't apply to the pussy.
  10. Tomato sauce base, mozzarella, pepperoni, sausage, peppers, onions, ham, fresh tomato, and provolone. Red pepper flakes to top it off.
  11. There needs to be more group photos like Cy made lol
  12. Does the essay count? I actually tried pretty hard to make it good.