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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Had a delicious Flat Iron at TGI Friday's.
  2. On my new desktop (fairly better than both my laptops and it's still using wifi)
  3. I'm going to have to get two copies so I can play with my friends on both consoles My wallet
  4. Sadly, I doubt it will be free for those on the 360 version - considering Microsoft likes to charge for their online access. What are you talking about? The only thing you pay for is the Live service itself and Sony will be doing that in a few months...
  5. I finally got all caught up. This is how I think the show will end.
  6. Brian

    Saints Row

    My body is ready now.
  7. I'm waiting for the press previews too as mentioned...
  8. Brian

    New TV.

    That's why you buy Samsungs.
  9. Guess what? It's done
  10. I'd give you a like but I ran out i'll give it for ya... Just went to like yours too...
  11. Fuckin' YouTube tonight... this is happening to everyone (that I've spoken to).
  12. The Freemode (my favorite of the bunch )
  13. I most defiantly died more than anyone. You and Godfather died the same amount of times
  14. I wanted to put them together but I'll space it out so they aren't all in one sitting Deathmatch Edit: So it did this weird pixel thing throughout, honestly can't tell you what is is, the reason the quality doesn't look all that great either is because with PS3 you have to use a D-Terminal chord instead of an HDMI... Anyway the Freemode doesn't do that pixel thing and I don't think the races should either.