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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Pine nuts are fucking gross, BUT DAT PIZZA DOE!
  2. I have used Firefox in the past and liked it but I switched back to chrome again a while ago, why shouldn't I use Chrome?
  3. I'm sure by the time the game is released it will have been improved.
  4. Yes, your charger regulates voltage so it'll be fine.
  5. I can't help unless you give me the type of battery. If you are traveling to the US and need a charger for our outlets just get yourself this and save some money.
  6. Some photos from my flights during vacation. More at my website:
  7. While I agree it should have the option, it isn't necessary.
  8. You can get the power of a V8 in a V6 now too, Ford has done it in their new police interceptors and many companies offer vehicles with power that's very close to a V8.
  9. Ain't nothing wrong with a LeBaron, if it's got a small block swapped in that is. I'd like them if they were RWD and had a V8 as an option. That's stupid, there would be no point in putting a V8 in a luxury sedan. We aren't looking to race or do some heavy hauling/towing so it would just drain fuel for pointless power. Again that goes back to RWD where this is a vehicle for every day driving. I hate when people bash on cars because it doesn't have a V8 or RWD, if you actually knew anything about cars or liked them as much as you say you do then you wouldn't be making such stupid remarks.
  10. I'm sure it will be, but the Impala is a great car in itself and Chevy really did a great job redesigning the entire vehicle. Seeing it at the Auto Show in Manhattan it was impressive.
  11. New car coming down the pike soon, here's what we're looking at. 2014 Chevy Impala Mercedes Benz C250 (Either sport or Luxury not sure)
  12. I never said anything about the shoe itself, so take it down a notch with the tone. His feet just happened to look big in those shoes.
  13. The higher end the worse unfortunately. They make good and simple mouses for cheap, I like their keyboards too for the most part. I like the Wirless K800 for keyboards. For a mouse the Logitech M510 is great.
  14. I consider all of Suffolk County my home as there is such diversity along the county here on Long Island. The following are on the North Fork, a place I like most. Most well known for its beaches and wineries, although the sand is really shitty compared to the South fork in most spots. Makes for some great fishing in the Long Island Sound between Connecticut. Above is Love Lane, a nice short strip of road with ma and pop stores along each side, wonderful during the Fall and Summer. Winery on the North Fork Orient Point lighthouse
  15. Noelle when she learned how to Fetch