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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Brian

    The Crew

    The trailer reminds me of NFS:HP 2
  2. "Warren, who was terrified he would end up homeless, even considered selling his testicle sac on eBay to help fund his treatment." Doesn't get much better than that.
  3. Brian

    XBOX One

    When I bought my new TV and turned on my PS3 after the longest time I noticed a graphical difference, which was better. Although it was slight, I could notice it over my 360. Even though it may have looked better, I still enjoy my 360 over my PS3 both for it's online aspects and software, despite using my PS3 for two years before getting my Xbox. I'm not going to buy a console right when it comes out just because I don't really have to. I'll wait for the reviews and what not. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon and arguing about two consoles that the majority of people haven't even seen with their own eyes yet. Specs can be one thing, experience is an entirely different thing. Authorities in Germany have already begun questioning Microsoft as it has concerns with the Kinect as being a monitoring device. A new privacy bill has also been proposed called the "We Are Watching You Act," created by Congressmen Michael Cupuano (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) could also change the way the Kinect may be used with Xbox one. Lastly, if Microsoft receives such a negative response to the Kinect as they did with DRM and used games, it's as simple as a software update to fix it.
  4. Brian

    XBOX One

    Well time to rethink what I'm buying...
  5. Brian


    What the fuck are you talking about, I used to be a proud american. I apologize anyway, not because I think I am wrong on what I was imputing, but for the immaturity on it.
  6. Brian


    Never said they were. I'm just simply stating that the majority of ppl who buy these consoles are casual gamers, most of whom don't know how the gaming industry works and probably don't care. Most of them won't look into SONY's terms on DRM for themselves. When SONY tells them "You can buy, sell and play used games" all they hear is "You can buy, sell and play used games" I guarantee you most ppl won't take that to the head as long as they probably should. Okay, and? I never argued with that. You're missing the point. Never said they would nor did I ever imply it. Ha The irony, I think the word you're looking for is "of". You need to watch your fucking tone and try to get your point across without being such a prick. Your attitude is uncalled for. I just simply find this all too hard to believe. Publishers hate used games. Why would they publish for SONY when Microsoft is the one giving them what they want? Why would Microsoft make such a shitty decision? How would they profit knowing XBOX ONE sales will suffer because of it? I think this used game issue is going to be the biggest factor this generation. Ideal situation for SONY: Their position on used games gives them a far larger fanbase than Microsoft giving developers/publishers more $$$ from SONY. Ideal situation for Microsoft: Microsoft holds on to a fanbase big enough for the developers to make twice as much $$$ from say 500K new game purches with 0 used game purches than they would from 300K new game purches and 400K used game purches. Maybe I'm missing something here but as of right now that's the way I see it. There's no argument as to whether or not the PS4 will block used game disc. The question is will the publishers start doing it on their own. Which would make SONY's position completely moot. Oops, one simple mistake. Sorry bud. You want irony? Learn to spell "people". Just because you know your losing doesn't mean it's time to point shit out to try and make it look like you're holding an advantage. When a company makes a game, they sell the game to retailers who then sell that game. The game sold to retailers is $40 for example, but only costs $10 to make. That company makes a $30 profit. When the retailer sells it they jack the price up to $60 to make it competitive and also gain a $20 profit. Either way the company and retailers are making money. Now because retailers are receiving used games at a low price and then selling them for a somewhat higher price you cut out the original company and only the retailer makes an extra profit now. Sure, Microsoft can side with the corporations and try to combat this, but it received such a negative backlash that Sony knew it would get them a place higher. Because Sony is going to be the more popular console this time around as it seems, companies will continue to develop for Sony because if they didn't they would be losing millions of dollars. Both Sony and Microsoft have popular consoles, and that's why the majority of companies publish for both. Exclusives are under contract usually. When you make it so people can't sell or trade used games you take out an important aspect of a free market. Companies usually make millions upon millions of dollars. The used game thing is bull shit and most people see that. Lastly, the only way companies can block used game discs on their own is if everyone switches to downloadable content only or they use online passes which only helps half way. There are still ways to get around the downloadable content like license transferring on Xbox or just simply logging into another account on Playstation. Perhaps that may change too but as of now most people who own a console want a physical game and I doubt that aspect will change for a long time because it still has an advantage over the other. People want that physical object, it gives a different experience and sells the best.
  7. Brian


    No, you are underestimating people. The majority of people aren't idiots as you set them out to be. Sony as a company decided to allow people to do what they want with their games, and after seeing the negative response Microsoft received I very much doubt that Sony would do the same, simple business strategy, it put them on top for now and will perhaps keep them there. Online passes only have an issue with multiplayer and they make up the loses from the people who buy online passes separately from the game. Majority of the gaming community is smart enough to know that, and if you don't think so then you're just as much as a dumb ass. Get off your high horse and shut the fuck up. On other news... Games will cost $59.99 like before, if that's really anything big.
  8. Homemade cabbage soup for dinner, good stuff.
  9. We have the best bagels too.
  10. You can't get a traditional New York pizza without going to New York... Plus if he didn't live in New York than it ain't New York pizza (imagine a thick Brooklyn accent, despite me having only a mild Long Island accent ) .
  11. Cooked it all myself. \
  12. Shit I didn't even realize that... Gonna go buy another one with the correct date and frame both.
  13. Only ones I can think of as of now. Assassin's Creed III (Statue, Belt Buckle, Flag, and Art book) Have my art book packed away from when I was supposed to move. Modern Warfare 2 - The Overexcited Kid Edition (Steel Case, Art Book, and Night Vision Goggles which worked rather well) Book and NVG's also packed away GTA V
  14. It just records it at 30 frames a second instead of the usual 50/60fps, but right now not very few games are 1080p at 60 fps on console. Which variant did you use? The PCI card has nothing but good reviews from what I've seen and saw from videos. The only reason I would guess it wouldprobably be shit was if your computer was and couldn't record and play at the same time. I was testing my friends which was a few years old, since then I've used a new one and it works like a charm.
  15. I think it would be cool to see a Corsair or a Messerschmitt BF 109 if they were to include a World War II style plane.
  16. Australasia? What the fuck is that? Anywho, is there a way to see numbers on available copies for collectors?
  17. Zombies are getting old, just as pirates have. Once in a while you get a really good game that makes me think otherwise, but for the most part they're repetitive and boring. I doubt they would go with anything that strays away from the somewhat realistic tune to the Grand Theft Auto franchise.