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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Well it's a main highway so yeah Took this too
  2. Loving the new squad car, they added LED light bars, window lights, wig wag tail lights, and it's based off the Taurus.
  3. Boondocks is a shitty show with some humorous moments and you're both shit too, without any of the funny moments.
  4. Learn to spell, you illiterate honky.
  5. Can we just ban Death, I mean there's no reason why you can't.
  6. Homicides in Los Angeles are not reported by the police to public and news officials. They are instead reported by the Los Angeles County Coroners office. The federal government couldn't give two shits about some person in the street who was shot and killed. You throw around the term "the government" like its a cliche. Shut the fuck up already. As of 2006 there were approximately 683,396 police officers employed in the US. This total only applied to full-time officers. If you do the math that is a rounded 1% of all police officers who have been reported for misconduct. In 2013 there have only been 14 incidents to date. Crime in Los Angeles has dropped a staggering amount since the 90's. Of the top 100 most dangerous cities in the United States with a population of over 25,000 only recording violent crimes, which include murder, rape, armed robbery and aggravated assault, Los Angeles was not even put onto the list. Chicago was placed at 79, and Compton at 63. Oakland was placed at 13. The top city was East St. Louis Illinois. Now while I know you think by watching youtube videos and looking up stuff on Wikipedia makes you an expert, you're not. http://www.neighborh...op100dangerous/ http://www.laalmanac.../crime/cr02.htm Also learn to state fucking sources.
  7. Weed shouldn't become legal, cause once it does the government will tax the shit out of it and leave it to big corporations to add chemicals and stuff like tobacco and it won't be as good for you guys.
  8. I used under armour, I didn't like the molds on the bottom and I started late ai they only had 11.5 which was too small despite me being a 12, it fucked up my ankles.
  9. First meeting for our team coming up soon, the season will be here before I know it. Any recommendations for cleats? I'm thinking Nike this time around. D/O tackle are my positions.
  10. Do a search for "Clinical Trial". Everyone is bound to have side reactions, we aren't all the same. That's why at the end of commercials they state all side affects anyway, because they're required to so people have prior knowledge before looking into being prescribed the medicine. Also, there are corrupt cops. I don't know what "racistend" means but whatever, you tell yourself what you want. There are also corrupt bankers, stock brokers, soldiers, politicians, fire fighters, EMT's and EMS, teachers, and so on. Still not grasping your failing point.
  11. There's your problem. You have to buy cayenne pepper whole, when it's ground the oils escape and it loses all its flavor.
  12. For fucks sake, are you really this retarded, Death? You're making claims of the government wanting to kill us off, I don't give two shits about Monsanto itself. For a source, this article sure has a lot of opinion and a lot less fact. The picture has no source of its own, no clue as to who made it, where they got their information from on companies that we should not buy from. It even says MAY CONTAIN GMOs. I have realized you are obviously too dumb to see what we are trying to get across. Please just leave the country or live underground for the rest of your life if you're that worried. While you're at it go get a job and buy your own groceries, because it doesn't seem to bother you when your parents are making dinner. What do you think they use, after all? Supermarket produce, meats, and processed goods. Get over it.
  13. Proof of what? A random list with no legitimate source and some article by a random website? Where's your proof of the government working with this company to end us all? GOOGLE IT.. YOULL FIND MULTIPLE RESOURCES.. you gotta be the biiggest dumbass on this site, really, next to fact atleast.. youre too naive and dont realize who your government really is.. Guys that must be it, I'm a dumb ass for wanting to know the exact source someone used on their claim. Shame on me!
  14. Proof of what? A random list with no legitimate source and some article by a random website? Where's your proof of the government working with this company to end us all?
  15. Oh and uhm someone should move this to here:
  16. its a government plot to spread illness (similar to all of the medicines released then you see that "if you or a loved one" commercial.. ) this company doesnt need money, their set for life, this is what evil rich people do to dependent middle class/poor people.... yes, but why do something or consume something that you know may kill you? thats like playing russian roulette When you can provide substantial evidence that the government is trying to make us all sick, I'll listen to your argument. Also, why cross the street when you can get hit by a car? Why breathe if you can inhale deadly chemicals? Perhaps you walk into an old building and inhale asbestos. Why do anything, I mean we only live to die right? Everyone and everything is out to get us. Sure the media feeds us bullshit about politics and the government, but so do random conspiracy theorists on the internet. Take everything with a grain of salt, and instead of following one's bullshit, form your own opinions, do your own research, open your mind.
  17. I can't see evidence for something being organic, so should I truly pay more to buy the same thing on sale down at Stop and Shop? What I'm saying is, you're (we're) not going to stop it, and this in no way inclines me to stop eating what I buy. You wanna be pure? Move out west, buy a ranch, get some cattle and pigs and chickens, and grow your own damn vegetables. Some positive affects from GMOs include: Better crop resistance to stress More nutritious staple foods More productive farm animals More food from less land GMOs might reduce the environmental impact of food production and industrial processes Rehabilitation of damaged or less-fertile land Bioremediation Longer shelf lives Biofuels Investigation of diseases with genetic fingerprinting Vaccines and medicines Identification of allergenic genes In a world of over 7 billion, where around 925 million, or 13.1% of the total population is starving, I say why the hell not. It helps increase production and crop yield while using less resources and land, which is good for places like those who need it the most. Also, Gunny, after a long while of sitting food tends to taste like the can, I've noticed this with many things. Remember smell is also a huge part of taste. Blood tastes like iron too, cause our blood is made of iron. It's processed canned food, nostalgia aside, what do you really expect?
  18. Good music, nice quality, and that thing looked like it was a nice find. 9/10
  19. They did it for GTA 2, why not do it for GTA V?
  20. Let's discuss the bombings