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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Photo across the East River. If anyone cares I'd appreciate if you checked some of my other photos out.
  2. From a recent interview with attorney Michael Levy, director of the FDA office of compliance. Since 2008, the FDA has been trying to prevent e-cigarettes from entering the country. To date, 50 shipments have been refused, but this has not stopped distribution and sale of e-cigarettes. Canada fully banned the devices in March 2009. E-cigarette makers and distributors have argued that their devices are safer than real cigarettes, thereby mitigating the harm of smoking. Some have implied that their products help people quit smoking tobacco products. The FDA rejects both claims. Because the devices can deliver a dose of synthetic nicotine, the agency sees them as unapproved drug-delivery devices with unknown safety. And whether they can safely help people quit smoking is also unknown, while they have a clear potential to entice new smokers with their fruit and candy flavors. From an article on Harvard's health section: At the European Respiratory Society's meeting in Vienna in February 2012 concluded:
  3. I'm writing a paper on the difference between cigarette smoking and e cigarette vaping. When I'm done I'll pass on all the info of what is inside that little vapor cloud. If you would care to do some research into this as well, I'd love to compare notes, especially since we come from two different places in this debate. Best case scenario, we both learn something. Worst case, pistols at dawn. None the less, I consider this a worthwhile debate. Thanks for stating your case Brian. I encourage you to continue, even when we get snarky. I'm glad we're having this debate, despite the name calling and what not, it's a good topic. I'll try to do some research too. We should just focus on main points with citations to back us up.
  4. I know we inhale water vapor in the atmosphere, but I'm talking about mixing it with other stuff that we purposely put there.
  5. No one realizes Nicotine is still bad for you. It may not have as many physical effects but it still raises blood pressure. Also the E-Cig was made to help ween people off of real tobacco, but it can become just as addicting to people, which can be become a very expensive habit as they can cost a lot for the refills, batteries, and cigs themselves. Sure it's better than real ones, but I still dislike having to breathe in water vapor. I've been around them before, and quite frankly I don't think it's such a good thing. Breathing anything into your lungs is not normal, and I know there is pollution and there's car exhaust but you can't really help those things and it's not as bad in the suburbs as in the cities. Plus our body does have natural defenses to these things, but breathing in anything in high quantities and so purely like that can't be healthy. I acted like an idiot and don't know why, but I'm glad you're getting over the addiction. Hopefully, in the long run, you'll put down the E-Cigs too and you'll break free of the addiction.
  6. I just get pissed having to smell that in my damn face all the time, majority of people don't like it. So yeah I did escalate things, my bad on that part. Still it's a rather gross habit, and each person has their choices, don't make others have to deal with what you like. Also with the cars thing, a lot of countries in places like Scandinavia are a lot different. I've got my eyes set for a life in Sweden or a similar nation, due to their care for the environment and people's general well-being. Smoking is not good for you, and second-hand smoke is a real thing. It may not be as bad as they say, but it isn't healthy. So let people enjoy it in their homes, and let people who dislike it enjoy the public. Then everyone's happy.
  7. Christ, Brian, I realize you're passionate about the issue, but please don't be a cock about it. Chill, man. I'm being the cock?
  8. That's why I said to keep it in the privacy of their own homes, I feel the same with marijuana, legalize it for recreational use only in their own home. As you stated it smells like donkey shit, I don't wanna smell that walking down the street. E-Cigs may not smell like shit, but I don't enjoy inhaling that either. They're a better alternative for sure, but I still dislike it. Its steam? Actually dude, why dont you stay at home and act like a whiney ass bitch on twitter about how 2nd hand smoke killed your dog, grandma, and your sister... I forgot, when people are addicted to something, be in tangible or intangible they'll use whatever methods they can to make themselves look like they have no credibility an as stupid as possible. In a private owned business, sure Massacre, let it be the owners choice, and let it be the attendees choice where they go. I'm talking about outside buildings in parks, streets, etc. I don't want to deal with it there
  9. That's why I said to keep it in the privacy of their own homes, I feel the same with marijuana, legalize it for recreational use only in their own home. As you stated it smells like donkey shit, I don't wanna smell that walking down the street. E-Cigs may not smell like shit, but I don't enjoy inhaling that either. They're a better alternative for sure, but I still dislike it.
  10. He said he can use it in public, but honestly it's still bad for you. With that in mind, why do it around others? Sure it's a good way to quit, but notch it down each week until you're completely done.
  11. You should keep your shitty habit in the privacy of your home only.
  12. I think that may have been what Rockstar wanted to establish, a likable woman who actually seemed decent, then they do some unexpected things.
  13. To anyone complaining about the tail lights and speed blur on the one vehicle the same thing happened in IV if you went fast enough.
  14. That helicopter looks like a variant of the buzzard to me, or just possibly a military based helicopter. It looks like a light gray more than a blue/white combination. The front is bowed similar to the buzzard, but the platform may be creating that view, because at other angles it looks like it could possibly be based of a US Marine Corps UH-1N Huey or Bell UH-1Y Venom, with the bottom landing rails and infared/laser scope on the bottom, and the way the windows are along the bottom of the cockpit. Will update as higher quality images become available. Fitty that building is located at 194 7th Avenue South
  15. You would need a San Andreas jet pack to do so.. Or, you know, a pair of legs would too.
  16. Although the game doesn't officially exist yet, there are rumors out there, and I figure we could discuss what we would like to see and any news that may come out in the future., location. What would you guys like to see? I think if Bethesda explored a new continent that would be pretty awesome, but there would be changes in races, weapons, and geological features.
  17. Looks like my dreams came true, a black and white marked police SUV. and the light bar on the new squad car looks low profile like on the police SUV instead of the rotary bar
  18. Looks like North America once again gets jackshit like with every other AC game, excluding 3.
  19. Brian

    Battlefield 4

    You do realize my teaser analysis video also included every bit of info you wasted your time on adding. People are fucking stupid sometimes.
  20. Brian

    Battlefield 4

    Then I'll update it, as the topic creator people will be looking there first.