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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Brian

    Battlefield 4

    Ohh, I think I just felt my dick move. Also no need to update your first post... just post in the topic so people don't have to keep going back. Let others post info too, everyone enjoys it a little.
  2. Brian

    Total War Series

    The last faction was announced
  3. Brian


    They're at $110,810 right now
  4. Brian

    Saints Row

    It's an opinion, so no one is a dumb ass. I think it had a funny story and good campaign, but the graphics sucked and after there was nothing to do, I haven't touched my game since completing the main story. It should have been a lot better considering the amount of time THQ had on it.
  5. Brian

    Saints Row

    After the THQ CEO said he was disappointed with SR3, I was expecting a good comeback, but the company dissolved. It's like Activision and Square Enix, what looks to be a promising game of True Crime turns into Sleeping Dogs, which isn't half as bad as SR3 or what SR4 looks to be. I'll be passing on this purchase and selling my SR3 soon.
  6. Brian

    Saints Row

    Saints Row 4 looks like Saints Row 3 with different characters ie; shit.
  7. I broke my arm playing red rover during recess in the fourth grade. They called me over and boy did I break through their arms, I felt proud, I was laughing and smiling and as I slowed down my foot got tangled up and boom straight down I went. I put my arms straight out instinctively and it caused a major fracture, that if I was older than 18, would have caused my whole wrist to shatter. The first part is a little embarrassing though.
  8. Brian


    A new game developing studio has popped into existence, planning their first project to make a DRM-free Simcity clone. They are trying to raise $250,000 on kickstarted and have already raised a little over $50,000 http://www.kickstart...-city-of-your-d Thoughts?
  9. I think I'm going to wait on this pre-order, because if they announce a special edition with a pirate flag and another statue I'm sold. Unless I can upgrade my preorder like Gamestop said I could with GTA V if a special edition happens to come out.
  10. Google search for a video looper
  11. Have you all noticed that every time a new assassins creed is announced there is always a "leak". I think Ubisoft does it on purpose.
  12. Imagine a game set during prohibition. WWI ends, women are beginning to socialize and "rebel" in a sense for that time, sounds like it would make for an awesome game.
  13. New trailer within the article No download required, worked great on my iPad.
  14. Brian

    Total War Series

    I don't know about always, because you can't predict how good Total War Games will be in the future. But Medieval 2 was great. The Shine on the Advanced Plate Armour for all the different variants of Knights still look great when compared to the Total War's of today. Plus the Expansions where all unique and different, and the Music was some of the most Epic in the series. This was my favorite TW so far. Speaking of expansions, I loved Kingdoms. The Britannia campaign was among the best.
  15. Brian

    Total War Series

    Blacksox it was my job to post the factions Anyway I can not wait to play as the Germans, using dogs and ambushing tactics will definitely be a highlight. The game by far is looking like it will be the best yet.
  16. All my friends are hopping onto multiplayer first but I'm going to go through a few missions so I get to know the game and map.
  17. Me showing off LCPD:FR I bought a legal copy of the game since this and the lag has gotten a lot better, going to make a third one next week. This is also by far my favorite mod.
  18. Brian

    XBOX One

    Too soon to come to conclusions, xbox hasn't even showcased what they have yet, and we still have the rest of the year as well as upcoming events in gaming to see what each showcases. Edit:
  19. To be honest, none of you know what you're going to do, because the game isn't out. You'll see when you pop it in for the first time, and that's what I love, not knowing where my mind will take me when I play for the very first time.
  20. Not my pet but I loved the picture.