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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Brian


  2. Brian


    The moment was really intense, my girlfriend and I were getting into it, the good way, and we had the most passionate sex ever, then I woke up.
  3. Brian


    I agree to an extent, it's obvious our planet and the universe would get along fine without us, we're nothing compared to the rest, but due to our intelligence and how much our species has evolved, if we could over come war and violence and the such then I think that it would be great to see us develop into a society that can travel in space and colonize other planets. But if we end as a species and don't reach that point then it would be somewhat sad to see, and although that will happen many generations after us and we won't be alive to see it happen, knowing that when I die there is the possibility it may come will make me just as happy.
  4. If anyone as watching it live, when the cabin first caught fire all news hoppers filmed sides of mountains to see the smoke come over them, but not the cabin itself, and that is when he supposedly "got away". This whole thing is crafted. Sandy Hook, Aurora, this, etc. all being used for whatever the government wants. I'm moving to Canada gtagrl, make some room for me.
  5. Brian


    Most likely because it isn't concentrated like an actual magnet, that's like asking why metal doesn't fly towards the sky/earth because of the magnetic field.
  6. Brian


    The one stop place for anything with reason or logic. Share some cool science stuff or anything really in that area. I open with Neil Degrasse Tyson.
  7. Brian

    Total War Series

    Here are factions that have been revealed so far Rome Carthage Macedon Iceni
  8. Like most people, care for a few weeks then give up keeping them clean. But I like my timbs being a little dirty makes them look rugged, plus when I landscape in the summer I can't give a shit anyway.
  9. Cry about it? This game is their property not yours so stop bitching.
  10. The second I saw it was futuristic I stopped watching. This is getting more old than the modern stuff.
  11. If/When it comes to PC, I will be buying it as well as for console. I love the single play modding abilities on PC, that enhances my game experience.
  12. That's a 747 for sure, not a military aircraft.
  13. 9PM on February 1st works for me.
  14. Brian


    I'm most likely going to buy both consoles like I did with current gen
  15. Probably a mix between Sacremento and LA. All white vehicle with gold star and lettering seems to be a hybrid.
  16. Reviving a dead topic... Was looking at some screenshots and here are my assumptions. The sedan is a Sheriff vehicle based off of the gold lettering and uniforms of the officers near the vehicle. The SUV's in the background are either Noose or Border Patrol, due to the green band on the vehicles. Also the SUV's seem to have lights in the mirrors.
  17. I have a 32" tube TV for gaming I'm buying myself a 40" - 46" for my bedroom soon though
  18. Brian

    Nano Quadrotors
  19. I'm right handed but I can only fap with my left hand
  20. The second he was at the payphone in the trailer it killed everything.