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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I'm hoping for more interiors in multiplayer as well.
  2. I need to clean up my hard drive, I have 2.46 GB free of 451... should i start with clearing pictures and videos off?
  3. I figured there would be different departments for different areas, I want an SUV though
  4. I have a feeling this will be a mission where Trevor has a plane problem and has to make an emergency landing and Franklin and/or Michael has to help him out from the ground ALSO HOLY WHITE COP CARS
  5. Do you know why firetrucks are red? Nope? Well, firetrucks have 4 wheels, and 8 people ride on a fire truck. 4+8=12 There are 12 inches in a ruler. Queen Elizabeth was a ruler. There was also a ship named after Queen Elizabeth. The ship sailed the seas, and seas have fish. The fish have fins. People from Finland are also called Fins. A long time ago inland and Russia were in a war. Russians are red. and firetrucks are always Russian around.
  6. I love the black markings he has in front of his ears (on both sides, they're perfectly the same haha)
  7. This is Andy, he's a two year old beagle rescue from Tennessee and most importantly our newest edition to the family!
  8. Brian


    I'm giving Rand Paul my vote in 2016 Edit: I'm feeling the Bern
  9. Brian


    A middle aged Mormon with a lot of kids, an ugly wife, a smirk that makes me smear shit on my tv screen to avoid looking at it, and really boring hair?
  10. Brian

    Halo 4

    But they give AC3 an 8.5, can't wait to see Cod get a 10 Whoever writes these IGN reviews does a great job but the ratings suck.
  11. I thought epsiode 3 was boring as fuck compared to the others this season case all it showed was the town
  12. Limited Edition Items I received. The belt buckle, like her medallion, was rather heavy.
  13. Some of the Sandy aftermath, you'll see the national guard with the police in one pic. There's some more but this is all I'm uploading for now.
  14. Had beans and toast for the first time together... it was actually pretty good but messy as hell.
  15. If you're gonna fuck the police, do it gently... they take a lot at work. Also first one.
  16. The membership is about $30 a month, the DNA test was $100, it would be around $150 or $200 but because I'm a subscriber it cost less. You need an invitation in BETA. I'm just waiting for my results to get better and more accurate. My grandmother was Jewish (from her Romanian mother I presume) but growing up in Brooklyn she was harassed for it and kind of lived in denial of it just going along with being Luthern with my grandfather (who gets it from his Swedish side). I'm not being defensive I got use to the racial slurs a loooooong time ago. I was actually just curious, I was genuinely learning from Massecure. If you felt offended well then I apol.. neeeeaahh. Fuck you. Why would I be offended? Do my results look like I'm a hood monkey to you?
  17. Ku, you need to stop being so serious when we say honky or something, I see as it went on you joined in but still. This is also general discussion, you guys are in the wrong place.
  18. It's probably Georgian more than anything, also considering Russia is in the caucuses region it could be that
  19. I know I am and I love it haha
  20. So I ordered Ancestry DNA and finally got my results today. Here they are as followed: As stated the tests have found I am 67% Scandinavian, 14% Eastern European, 12% Persian/Turkish/Caucuses, and 7% Finish/Volga-Ural or as many refer to Russian. These test results are somewhat of what I expected. First off the Scandinavia, Eastern European, and Russian parts are correct. As far as I know I am English, Irish, German, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Swedish, and possibly Scottish and Austrian. However I was very surprised and confused about the Persian/Turkish/Caucuses findings. Also British Isles and Germany/Central Europe was left out. Their DNA program is in the very early stages (BETA) right now, so as time goes on my results will improve and become more accurate. I am very intrigued to find more as time goes on and can not wait.