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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I dislike people in a general sense. Like I'm social and whatever and not a dick but taking the human race I dislike them in general. However you never expect it from someone you called a friend, even if it's happened before.
  2. Make fun all you want, I still feel like shit.
  3. Guess this is the right topic just need a place to vent, there is this one girl i thought was my friend but she basically said to a good guy friend of mine that she basically hates me just because. It just really some girls piss me off, tell the truth or stop being a two faced bitch. Next time I talk to her I'm ending the "friendship" that was never there. Life sucks sometimes.
  4. Brian

    Mobile Devices

    My eligibility for an upgrade eon my number, haven't check the others on the plan yet though, could be cheaper. Every time they switch it around so the upgrade is cheapest when we buy the phone then they switch the number over, AT&T is awesome with that.
  5. It used to happen to me, but it hasn't anymore. I look at it this way, it's better than a warn or punishment.
  6. Brian

    Mobile Devices

    AT&T has no cancelation fee, you just pay full price on the phone when buying a new plan. So for instance it's like $700 instead of the $500 for early upgrade or $300 for regular upgrade after two years. This includes the phone itself.
  7. Brian

    Mobile Devices

    Huge update on front camera to 720p, somewhat better battery life, bigger screen, higher resolution, better processing with new A6 chip, phone comes with new headphones and a traveling/storage case for them, new charger, etc. Just naming some things that may get people in general to consider.
  8. Just when I thought I was going to ask this one girl out today... Still doing it if I have the right chance
  9. Brian

    Mobile Devices

    I will be buying one in white (but black looks cool too) and I like the new headphones
  10. I always thought it was the Yugslav wars or Russian and Gerogian war
  11. In the sixth grade a kid from Pakistan named Zakria came to our school. In Family and Consumer science he was fucking around with a pencil sharpener and he cut a kid on the arm, when the teacher came over Zakria hid the blade in his mouth without getting cut. Nothing happened to him punishment wise. He was from then on known as the school terrorist.
  12. Alright, but if someone says something offensive, 9/10 times they don't mean it.
  13. I would like to see ABG's or Anybody Goes being done on random civilians. Gangs are fucking stupid. Police ftw. Fuck the police bro. That's ok, I'm sure they hate your honky ass too. When you're in deep shit, don't dial 911, cops shouldn't waste their time on you. Woah there Cletus, just remember that Jesus loves you, but everyone thinks you're a racist idiot. I'm not being serious dude but anyway I agree that they should have a lot of gangs if they're will be any in the game
  14. I would like to see ABG's or Anybody Goes being done on random civilians. Gangs are fucking stupid. Police ftw. Fuck the police bro. That's ok, I'm sure they hate your honky ass too. When you're in deep shit, don't dial 911, cops shouldn't waste their time on you. Woah there Cletus, just remember that Jesus loves you, but everyone thinks you're a racist idiot. Jesus isn't real and everyone on this site is "racist". I'm just fucking with you lol
  15. I would like to see ABG's or Anybody Goes being done on random civilians. Gangs are fucking stupid. Police ftw. Fuck the police bro. That's ok, I'm sure they hate your honky ass too. When you're in deep shit, don't dial 911, cops shouldn't waste their time on you.
  16. That actually does sound rather possible, if this map is as big as everyone thinks, there are sure to be ghettos like South Central. A DLC revolving around it seems very likely as well. Good ideas.
  17. That sounds bad ass. I almost got robbed once in middle school. I was standing there at my bus stop and this black guy comes walking down the street and I'm like where is he going so I back up a little." He then comes into the bus stop area (I'm alone here). He starts to bop his head with headphones on and laugh exclaiming "Haha man yo this beat is HOT!" without looking at me. He then stops, pats himself on the torso and pockets and exclaims "Oh shit man I forgot my phone". So he comes walking over to me, he asks me If I had a phone. I told him I wasn't aloud to have one in which he then started to keep asking and changing his tone. I just kept telling him I wasn't aloud to have one even though one was right in my pocket. I knew if he had asked to see my pockets I would've been dead. So he gets close and just kept on asking for it. When I keep saying my parents won't let me have one and I think it's so stupid and it pisses me off, he said whatever and walked away. I ran behind some bushes, he turned around and I bolted off to my apartment complex, he didn't chase me too much considering there was a highway with a lot of cars heading west (to NYC, about an hour from me) and even East right there. My story isn't as cool lol
  18. Based of you're profile, I expected something along the lines of "yeeeeeeeeah man dat shit be dope ya know what im sayin nigga?"
  19. Or if they found some random black man on the street and began to chase him into an alley which they proceeded to taze and beat him for the "suspicious" activity but he was found innocent and nothing happened to the cops. That'd be racist.
  20. The idea of gangs doesn't interest me, same goes with the Mafia. I'm hoping that this game doesn't revolve around either, but includes one or both. It would be a fresh stand point. Also gangs may be everywhere but the majority of citizens in L.A. don't associate. Gangs usually stay around the broken down suburbs and projects. Interaction with each other is common, but with not as much with regular civilians. The most people may interact is seeing them. In today's world I would imagine more along the lines of 18th street, 204th street, and Grape Street.
  21. Just the fucking thought seriously makes me sick to my stomach
  22. Movie description Major Spoilers (If you're that fucked up to watch it)