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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Skipped breakfast, pot pie for lunch, brats and fries for dinner.
  2. Since we live in apartments there really is no place to grow your own stuff besides in a flower pot (suburban apartments). We grew cherry tomato's for 2 or 3 years but kids started coming around and messing with it and we gave up after that.
  3. The episodes of Liberty City were not locked like in previous GTA games. I honestly would like the satisfaction of unlocking it since it'll be a lot bigger (meaning there should be more to explore before getting bored of the area like in IV).
  4. Asian would be cool, however I don't want one to be in Triad or any gang for that matter. Maybe he could be a guy trying to escape from gang members but the only way he can do so is by moving to the new city and killing those who hunt him down.
  5. Must have thought you were time wasting or something. All I can think of. It was for the other player though, not me. Oh, it was an automated message rather than a player complaining? Yes click on the picture and read it, it'll increase the size a little or make it clearer.
  6. Must have thought you were time wasting or something. All I can think of. It was for the other player though, not me.
  7. illivana, the timer ran out then I got that message in the chat
  8. Two games, one really was just a waiting time, the other "fair play violation" I didn't understand, though time still ran out.
  9. Well part of the reason is that it takes 7 minutes for radio waves to go back and fourth between Mars and Earth. So you have 14 minutes back and fourth. They were mostly designed to go slow so that way they don't wind up going into a crater or rock at 50 MPH. Basically a safety precaution. It also moves slow so they don't miss anything and they often stop to take photographs and preform various other types of experiments.
  10. GTA IV was released in 2008 TLAD, TBoGT, and China Town Wars were all released in 2009. In my opinion this time around they should release one each year. So GTA V in 2013, DLC 1 in 2014 and then DLC 2 in 2015 with maybe a third release in 2016. Then if there is going to be another GTA it'll be released in 2017. Or two in 2014 and one in 2015.
  11. For show I guess, just thought the pieces looked cool.
  12. Nasa created this thing with so much new technology. It could discover a lot of things that past rovers cant. If you're so critical of the rover, build one yourself, or have the ESA do it.
  13. Hahaha, damn Facebook linking...CAUGHT! Yes, thats my teamate aaron and yes, thats what we do for a living! That's awesome man. I gotta give you props for making the best out of it.
  14. Off road detail would be awesome. The dirt bikes would be great along with a Polaris ATV which would make me very happy. I still want my SUV though.
  15. Hey if you're going to advertise your video post in in the advertise your site section Edit: You don't have my support, sorry.
  16. Brian

    Total War Series

    I did find Empire rather good. My two favorite eras were Rome and Medieval 2
  17. 1) You asked what I believed in, so stop trying to make it look as if I'm dragging on about something no one else is discussing 2) By resources I mean man power and natural resources from the Earth. It was one of the largest civilizations on this planet. Saying you think the Pyramids were built by aliens because humans just couldn't have done it is stupid. There are no archaeological was well as historical sources for Atlantis or other continents mentioned in that video. No ruins have been found. Atlantis was first mentioned as a legendary island by Plato in one of his writings. Nibiru was a term in the Akkadian language meaning crossing often referring to rivers or in astronomy. Not a planet. Nasa has never found a Nibiru planet. The lady who introduced Nibiru, Nancy Lieder, is crazy, just like all other cults who claim to speak to these supernatural beings and know when the end of the world is coming etc.
  19. Well yes entertaining indeed, a very good work of fiction at that. However if people actually believe that then i really have no words. It's worse than believing in religion imo, and religion isn't that much better. I did find it interesting in a way I find Halo, Pandora, or Assassin's Creed story line interesting. So then what do you believe in? Particularly what's your explanation for the pyramids? I believe that there is no deity. Simple as that. Also the pyramids were built by us, humans. Pharaohs usually started to build their pyramids and tombs as soon they took the throne. They also had the resources needed to build on such scales. Saying aliens built the pyramids just makes no sense. There is no conclusive evidence for it at all, just like religion.
  20. I just want to see if they have a police SUV, then whatever else rolls around.