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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Well yes entertaining indeed, a very good work of fiction at that. However if people actually believe that then i really have no words. It's worse than believing in religion imo, and religion isn't that much better. I did find it interesting in a way I find Halo, Pandora, or Assassin's Creed story line interesting.
  2. It defiantly does look like a Buffalo. Just how any types of police vehicles (basic) do you think we'll see. I'm saying around 5 or 6 (3 squad cars, one rural SUV, and an undercover vehicle).
  3. LAPD uses the Ford Crown Victoria and Dodge Charger for their sedans. Any of those cars you see as stated are prototype, usually for show. Police prefer big sedans with V8 engines because they have the power for pursuits and are capable of sustaining some damage during one. My picture was also to compare GTA vehicles to that, but if were bringing anything, your best bet is the new Chevy Caprice.
  4. Again IV was more of a BETA game to test the new RAGE engine, and it's 4 years old.
  5. I was looking through the GTA wiki at the different car brands and Feroci was the one that kept coming back to me, that last letter definitely looks like an I to me. I knew there was a car in GTA IV that had that style of writing on the back but I couldn't find it. Same here man
  6. I see a Vapid cruiser (the one in the infernus picture in the back are two different cars, i checked myself thinking it was an older style as well) and a new one that looks a little like a Police Patrol. I'm sure there will be other kinds, but at least there are two different kinds confirmed.
  7. Jesus christ. What? lol Downton Abbey is crap lmao. Meh I like it
  8. The guy shooting the AK is not the same as the others, he's bald and looks skinnier. Possibly could be a mission that has to do with a gang or some kind of crime group?
  9. Took the pictures and cut out all people and adjusted the levels to better see them (didn't include the plane one as it was too hard to see the face due to distance and the fact it was partially covered by the windshield at that angle).
  10. I really wish they would have shown rural police so I could see if they will have a police SUV
  11. New squad cars, laser attachments on guns, confirmed Infernus, etc. Possibly the best set released yet.
  12. I remember when I was about 7 or 8 when I started using the internet in my school. Then my mom bought a PC for the both of us during Christmas. I lost my innocence then...
  13. Yeah, Joe's topics usually come off as something that should be in something else but winds up actually being a good topic making decent points. Anyway yeah, I like how IV worked as stated above.
  14. I think this should really be in the wishlist topic more than it's own. However the drive-by mechanic has vastly changed since San Andreas. I remember it being almost impossible for me to drive in SA. IV was improved by a great amount.
  15. We already have cures for cancer but the government "runs people out of the country" once they know the cure. "I did a year and a half of research myself. Cancer etc can be cured and prevented. It has been proven."
  16. Welcome! Just refrain from making statuses or new posts until you get used to the forums and we get used to you. Plus when members say something don't take it to heart. They all mess around with new members (it happened to all of us).
  17. Everyone screws around with new members. The best thing to do is to watch and learn what we do and leave the GTA V discussions to topics already made. It'll make you look less like a target for shits and giggles.
  18. Send me an invite or whatever you do - Brian514
  19. It makes perfect sense. It looks like it would be big foot, it fits the hoax theme perfectly, they put it on the side of the squad cars, it seems like R* is hinting at it (even as a joke). What else could it be?