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Everything posted by Brian

  1. The guy in the Jet looks like the one in the trailer based off clothing and hair line
  2. To the people saying it's a person or an owl you're wrong. IT'S FUCKING BIG FOOT! Edit: Adding "real life" picture for comparison.
  3. Brian

    360 vs PS3

    I owned a PS3 2 years before I bought my xbox and thought PS3 was the greatest ever. Now after owning an Xbox I honestly would not go back unless it was absolutely needed.
  4. They look absolutely amazing. Look closely though, the guy on the parachute looks like the Hispanic guy from the trailer based off hair and skin color, yet inside the jet the balcony man is said to be there.
  5. What the hell are you talking about? Vice City and San Andreas weren't expansions. Lost & Damned plus Gay Tony were expansions. Vice City and San Andreas were their own full games in new areas. im not saying they r exactly expansion packs(give me a fucking break im 13 i dont know every thing like u do) im tryin to say that the main GTA games (GTA,GTA2,GTAIII,GTAIV) r all in liberty city, all of the side games (vice city, london, san andreas) basically what im saying is they arent the main games of the GTA series 13 or not, it doesn't give you an excuse to be an idiot. There were both GTA London's, Gta II was in Anywhere, USA, Vice City, San Andreas, Vice City stories, And V. but I forgot cunts like you don't take time to do research or bother using correct grammar and spelling.
  6. Usually planes have flashing lights on their wings, tail, and fuselage to identify the aircraft at night. Its most likely that (but they didn't put the physical light like on the helicopters in IV).
  7. I'm able to any multiplayer, sometimes I get. Message when I try to join directly from the dashboard that it is trial but I ignore it and it works
  8. Nice fail
  9. Well yeah he is, but so are so many other politicians. We're stuck in a tough spot right now as a nation dealing with these fuckers in Washington and even on a more local level
  10. He's going to be Vice President, so what with this election crap? 2016 election is a little more than 4 years away. Romney sucks enough and we should be worried about him.
  11. The idea of the story revolving around the heist is plausible, but is nothing new. Next "picking" the protagonist is not the kind of thing R* would implement into their games. Lastly R* stated that the game revolves around the pursuit of the almighty dollar, giving way as to why the logo is a bank note. Not because it has to do with one robbery. I doubt it would also be the first mission. You need something to build up to the climax (if that'll be it). Your idea isn't all too great, and please learn how to use the English language.
  12. Those, are called WHEELS. You could do it in San Andreas too.
  13. Brian

    WWE 13!

    No one said it was. And we now. Did you know that the video game that this topic is about isnt real life? it's a video game. I know the graphics are pretty good so it can be confusing. It's based of the real life event, so I was just saying the game doesn't seem all that interesting TO ME. Everyone likes their own thing, and I respect that.
  14. Brian

    WWE 13!

    WWE is not a sport considering it is all staged. Never got into fake wrestling. If that makes sports game of the year...
  15. Lol Fig Rolls? Here in the states it's Fig Newtons
  16. When you're drunk, mcdonalds burgers really hit the spot. No idea why, they're normally pretty shit. I either get full from certain things and feel guilty, or don't and still feel guilty. fuck... When you're drunk, mcdonalds burgers really hit the spot. No idea why, they're normally pretty shit. I either get full from certain things and feel guilty, or don't and still feel guilty. fuck...
  17. I did it to receive Minecraft. Since this is BF3 premium however, I doubt it'll work because your donating party connected his Xbox account to the premium, not yours and it is only valid for 1 account. Also don't license transfer more than once between a few months to a year or so because I had a friend who had his account suspended twice (two different accounts) for doing it twice in a short amount of time. Edit: Qd, when you purchase content, you receive a license to use that content. The license has two parts: the system license and the local license. The system license applies to the gamertag that purchases the content, and the local license applies to the console where you first downloaded the content. I remember when I used to do this on PS3, it was so much simpler and you could do it X amount of times without getting caught. That's how I got a lot of stuff for free, then when I bought something I returned the favor to my friend, no questions asked.