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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Brian

    Classic Titles

    I own all these : PS1, PS2, PS3, 2 Gameboy Advances, Original DS, Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Xbox360.
  2. Brian

    Classic Titles

    I remember my grandpa brought a huge box of games home along with an N64, I beleive he got it from a friend. I remember playing this game and my grandpa would comment on how he would never drive in the same car as me This was also in there There were so many I can't think of off the top of my head
  3. No matter what anyone says, this will be my favorite show always and forever. I also love it because I want to be in Law Enforcement.
  4. This is a nice set
  5. He means interacting with the inside of a building itself.
  6. As many of you may know, I love Germany and everything about it. Oktoberfest started as a celebration for King Ludwig I's wedding. All of München (Munich) was invited. Anyone ever attend Oktoberfest or celebrate where they live?
  7. Lol google+ I tried it but it failed for many, anyway welcome
  8. Looks awesome, what mod is that? Also there is some type of helmet similar to a centurion helmet with a black broom what is that called? I saw it in a loading screen once
  9. Brian

    Classic Titles

    Video games have definitively changed through the past few decades. Growing up I remember titles like Earthworm Jim, all the Mario titles, multiple sports and racing games, etc. Consoles too. What were some of your favorite classics growing up?
  10. Well you didn't say that it just seemed that you wanted all nice cars instead of shit cars But yes it would be nice. Like I said GTA IV was a beta compared to R*'s newest games.
  11. In real life, how often do you come across those "luxurious vehicles"? Usually you see average priced cars. In IV I saw cars most people would be driving. Also considering GTA IV was being used on new technology and basically a test run for future R* games with drastically improved graphics, don't blame the developers for leaving out cars over $60,000 you wish you saw every ten feet "just like in real life".
  12. A British theme or Germanic theme Medieval Times would be cool. I feel the Renaissance era would be better as in general times were higher, not great but higher. Maybe even Victorian or early 1900's during the Industrial Revolution. It would definitively touch on new grounds never experienced before for a sandbox game, and would probably be well worth the play since it is R*.
  13. Fuck Zuess, it's Odin and Thor and I don't mean the gay fairy tale one Marvel made ruining the Norse God of Thunder and Humanity and shit
  14. Yeah, I know. But still, R* might want to be careful about the inclusion of theaters in GTA5. I don't really think it would be a huge problem if they did include them, though. Like I said earlier, they could just make the theaters like the ones in RDR and there wouldn't be any problems. R* has faced so much shit, it doesn't matter. What's the difference between shooting up a movie theater or a whole block of people in a video game? There isn't one. You can fly planes into buildings... oh no 9/11, you can blow up a car in a busy place... oh no half of the suicide bombings that occur. Therefore your point is invalid.
  15. Been using it for months, just switched back to regular, now I'm back to this. So much easier on the eyes.
  16. Brian

    Sleeping Dogs

    After Activision announced it was a Hong Kong undercover true crime, I'm sure that's why it went to shit with them. The game looks terrible in my opinion and I will not try it out. I wanted a police game just like True Crime LA or Streets of New York City. True Crime LA was a huge hit with many people and they should have went somewhere with that route.
  17. Adblock extension (I use mine on Chrome) Works wonders if you stop using that shitty browser internet explorer and move onto chrome or firefox It seriously is nice to go to a website with no advertisements at all
  18. Although being an American I support three teams (if either one of these win I'd be happy) the US, Germany, and Sweden. Before this year I never payed attention to the Olympics but I'll get involved this year.
  19. It isn't common, but yes cops here in the US do commander vehicles. Many jurisdictions require civilians not only give up property in an emergency but also help subdue criminals if they can. Many NYPD officers on foot patrol used to flag down taxis to transport arrested criminals to a precinct station. It happens but isn't as common as in movies (cause Hollywood hypes up everything as many know )
  20. Brian


    I never had anything like that before. Interesting.
  21. Brian


    Start out with crab or somethng like a California Roll (if those are in the UK), then go to Spicy Tuna or whatever, after you'll eventually like the taste and it won't be so bad. Make sure you get it from a good place too. I used to hate Sashimi and Nigiri but now I love it.