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Everything posted by Brian

  1. While on the subject of advertising in the wrong section... Join my crew for GTA V? **Free blowjobs are offered for joining **Free blow jobs data rates may apply, actual blowjobs are not included, however a blowjob in a honkers near you from a lucky stripper will happen (force may be used or not for her compliance). Stripper may be dead as there is no actual possible way to make strippers give fellatio. Strippers may be sedated with any type of drug or shot/stabbed to the point of death. Additional wounds may be acquired for positining the stripper on the floor where your balls hang free in a T-BAG style crouch. The rest of this disclaimer is a waste of time and I really have no idea why you're reading it, but since you have gotten this far you minus well finish reading it seeing you have nothing better to do with your pathetic life. Lol I'm kidding you're not pathetic but I almost got you there didn't I? Anyway yeah how was your day? Don't tell me cause I don't care. You know how this is starting to look like an actual disclaimer? Yeah me too but I just noticed. Do you think V will have CJ? Or Tommy, I do even though I never played Vice City and I'm only an idiot going along witth everyone else. JUST KIDDING GOT YOU THERE TOO. I want the old guy to be the main portagonist. Ten bucks it'll be some young minority though... Damn Minorities ****Usage of Blowjobs may result in stomach cramps, headache, fatigue, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, testicular cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, and/or death. ENJOY
  2. Brian


    I could really go for those Olives right now
  3. Brian


    Stolen from Jobo's breakfast topic What do you like to eat for dinner?
  4. Brian


    Scrambled or over easy eggs, sausage or bacon, home fries or corned beef, and some toast with butter (usually on a Saturday morning - it's a treat) and either a hot pocket or cereal and a piece of fruit most other days. Also if it's a REAL treat a nice German style breakfast (Cold meats, cheeses, sausages, and Germany's world renowned breads sometimes with eggs or not) For some reason it says I'm not allowed to use an image extension and I get an error so here's a link to some pictures
  5. Brian

    Call of Duty

    But that's the thing, although little fanboys and people who don't know what good games are anymore buy cod every year, it's a shit game. I know people who vowed they won't buy it this year who last year were all over cod dry humping the youtube videos for any info. I've met many little kids, teenagers, adults, women, men, and people from many nations on GTA 4 as well. Also how is that a waste? Liberty city was from a few years ago, then in the IV era they did it again. Now they're doing San Andreas. At least the stories are completely different every time around, the game keeps most going back, and the graphics improve each time a new game is out. I don't see treyarch and infinity ward putting their time into a game and improving the graphics and quality of the game play. Sure I like the campaigns, but multiplayer keeps getting worse and worse after World at War. It's a dying series.
  6. Alright guys we can start it up again where we left off, Marney you can also join in, just let me know the area you want your country to be in I'll give you the same amount of territories we have to be fair. Everyone state your turns
  7. Considering the fact that the engine block isn't invincible, it's less realistic in the terms of how long it took to explode, which is good. A lot of times if you get into a head on crash, the car will erupt slowly or instantly. Here's an example
  8. Actually I never noticed that myself, does the whistle audio play in the game or was that added by the creator of the video? I can't remember tbh but I feel like replaying that case just to find out. If that music does play then there's no doubt it is an RDR easter egg. Thanks for the link me friend. Quite interesting easter egg if you think about it. How could it get there? Did Jack just passed away and they trow away his possessions or what happend else why the hat came in the garbage can? Easter eggs have no story behind them.... you guys need to stop. What's the story with teddy bears in BF3, World at War zombies, or the chickens in the cranes in mw3. Many games have easter eggs, usually for the shits and giggles. There really is no purpose behind them. Also the hat defiantly doesn't look like Marston's to me due to the fact there is nothing going around it like in Marston's and no feather... could just be a hat (Team Bondi created LA Noire, Rockstar just produced it. Meaning two different companies for two different games but everyone thinks R* made it), but retards love to think what they want.
  9. Imagine having more of a destructible environment?
  10. If you don't run you get arrested, no big deal. In real life hitting it head on would mean jail time most likely, running is a felony. So I get what you mean just hitting it. The ticketing system in Mafia II was nice.
  11. Even though RDR took place between the border of Texas and Mexico... still john's hat wound up in la noire Jack Marston would've been alive at the time of LA Noire, it was only 40 years after RDR. It's possible that he might have moved to LA. Considering the fact he was alive in the early 1900's he would've been at least 70 by the time of LA Noire, that was a rare age to live to at his time.
  12. Theres a big rumor that Rand is oing for vice president, why do you think Ron or Mitt haven't attacked each other and each campaign treated each other fine?
  13. I prefer the Ford Explorer over the Suburban I posted earlier. Also I hope they do a slick top cruiser
  14. Awww don't fret over the titties Every boob is beautiful except for flat ones...
  15. Even though RDR took place between the border of Texas and Mexico...
  16. I've heard of APB Love the police aspect of course But I also saw the customization with vehicles which looked great
  17. What does owning a Kinect have to do with skiing in a game? I'm talking to the people saying it should require a kinect or the ability to use one should be implemented into the game I mean this is GTA not kinectimals