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Everything posted by layboy

  1. yea they did fuck it up with undercover, that's why every cunt keeps taking the bloody game back
  2. I would like to see cattle and what not and horses, and deffinatly monkeys
  3. that would be cool and mabey if PACKIE from GTA IV is in the new game he can bring some of his irish family and have a irish mob well at the end of the ballad, we saw him walking to the airport so maybe we will see him in gta V, so hopefully he can help us out
  4. That's the only thing i hated in GTA IV. Being phone raped every 10 minutes to hang out with a buddy. It should've been a side quest on your terms, where you phone them to hang out only. that use to shit me too
  5. good question i don't think they will
  6. to be dumb here when i played vice city for the first time i never heard about gta atall then playing that that deathrow mission pissed me off i could never save lance
  7. need a fucking flamethrower again, loved that shit
  8. loved traveling over the country going for a spin on the dirtbike
  9. i loved san andreas will always be the best, but then the tbogt was just fucking insane with picking up those babes and shagin the shit out of them, but what more can ya say
  10. its something to do when nothing else we can play
  11. i think it sucks, played it for 5mins and rather underground
  12. layboy


    Well they reckon AGENT is going to utilize the full power of the PS3 - how much of it's power has been used in a single game so far I don't know. I'm guessing we might be adventuring across several continents rather than being limited to a single map. SONY want to use this game to show off the PS3's true power. well lets see if they can do it, my guess knowing them yes
  13. the game looks seriously intense, graphics wise what a go, and fuck them delaying max payne
  14. hahahahaha That actually got me pissing my self laughing, i was on the ground with tears hahaha im still laughing I somewhat doubt it wasn't that funny, more 'ha' funny than anything. i found it hilarious
  15. i could imagine sheldon getting his hands on gta V *tries not to disturb him* and get off his couch
  16. yea i agree, i just dont like first person what so ever, but hey each to thre own
  17. really? i mean i've played xbox 360 for like 5mins at my best mates and i never noticed mmmmm i never new