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Everything posted by Smafugula

  1. 14? Damn. And judging from his other posts he doesn't seem to be so bright. Shouldn't be playing GTA. Yes, really shouldn't be on this forum, should be a age limit to stop all this shit posting and topics. IMO.
  2. Idk where the admins are, but you guys should do this over PM's not on a topic. n00bs
  3. what the fuck? why are you posting that here,PM the motherfucker, or better yet get off the computer and put your dick into something that moves. On Topic, Skyrim Aren't bad but its with melee weapons, with guns, its just not the same.
  4. They better not do the cinematic crap they did in RDR, such as when you get up close to shoot someone in the head, and it goes into this cinematic kill. I hated that.
  5. Yeah throwing knives would be fun, but that's not exactly stealthy these days as they were in AC, I mean someone with a knife sticking out of them is more visible than someone shot with a silenced 9mm. The ejection of the brass shell and the sound waves the silenced pistol would make makes alot more noise and turned heads then someone getting stabbed with a pocket/hunting knife.
  6. The game is made realistic so that you feel more intune with the game to real life when your doing your numerous crimes.
  7. Yeah, but when you say that I think why not put both in. Because the more time they spend putting in things that don't add much to gameplay, the less time they spend on the things that matter. I think things like that don't have to do with the people that design the gameplay, but the that people that do the scenery and geographic layout of the game.
  8. Yeah, but when you say that I think why not put both in. I mean the house parties could be a great way to get some in the game or a great place to commit mass murder.
  9. It would be interesting if R* limited your mobile weapon inventory. I wouldn't be against it as long as they did a good job in how it all plays out as far as switching out weapons and all that.
  10. Just having them in the game would add to the real world feeling to the game, just driving by one and the change in scenery wether you like them or not would benefit to the realism in the game.
  11. OOooooo trench knife nice, hard to find in the UK unfortunately Hard to find any kind of weapon in the UK. Id hate to live there.
  12. They should make a huge variety of weapons, from RPGs to LMGs to Assualt rifles to Smg and pistols, grenades, and all kinds of melee weapons. Everything you could get your hands on in the city you should be able to get in V. So when you role up on a gang battle, everyone thats shooting has their own kind of weapon, creating this new broaden realistic feeling. Some may say that borderlines being a CoD noob, but fuck that R* should go balls out on this one.
  13. Sony and Microsoft should come out with a new console around christmas time this year.
  14. really when you think about it, the possiblilties for GTA V are endless.
  15. I like seeing your character shoot in third person, why is everyone obsessed with first person shooting these days? It's like people want all games, but want them to be like CoD... True im with you on that, but if you've ever played Metal Gear Solid 4 the first person aiming down the sight was only a option. You could do the whole action of shooting your gun in 3rd person, just for those perticular shots you could go first person on the sights. I thought it was nice. May not work well with GTA V though.
  16. as far as the first person third person thing goes, they could do what MGS 4 did and only go first person when aiming down the sight, if they decide to go in that direction.
  17. I hate in RDR when you get up close to kill someone it puts you in that "cool" kill perk thing, which is prone to glitches and really pisses me off when im trying to kill someone old fashion.
  18. Yeah, and im pretty sure hes not taking over America, maybe Canada their not to hard to take over, but not America. lol
  19. Ya i really like the idea of picking stuff up off the ground though and I hope they improve it in IV. What else would be nice if when you jack a car and your character aims his gun at him in the animation to get him out if you could actually shoot him that would be cool as well. Yeah, you could do that in SR1 and it was beast. I hope they through that in there.
  20. I don't think Dre will make an appearance, just doesn't fit the new era. Hes 90's only really. Well some early 2000's but still
  21. I wouldn't call it wasting time, its something that they would put in the game to add to the realism.