CFO Charles

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Everything posted by CFO Charles

  1. Gonna go for the yellow since I had a model 442 with the same paint job. Those fucking rims tho...
  2. CFO Charles

    Two PS3's

    Copy all your save games onto a USB Stick. Seriously it's that easy. I've had a backup of all my PS3 save files for years now. All you do is find your save file, and hit copy, then select the device.
  3. I'll have to start looking up Oceans eleven styles. If this is going to be during the regular crew meet time I should be fine.
  4. I want to take that survey just to see how BS it is. And..... Just did. I'm with Beatnic. Ask me some questions about my morals, then ask me some questions about TV and video games and pretend like they have a fucking correlation. I'm gonna fill out some McDonald's customer service questions. They give me free burgers and you just make me feel insulted.
  5. It's a Cheetah you fucking idiots. Seriously, am I the only one who actually noticed that first glance?
  6. Change of plans. I'll be there tonight. I'm tempted to leave my text so you can spam me if I forget
  7. Turismo R... and just when I thought my Grotti collection was finished. Looks like my new buccanner may be going bye-bye.
  8. Gay Pride Theme. 'Nuff said. EDIT: Also, sorry I missed the last two Worked this one and had an old friend visit the previous.
  9. After watching Treefitty evolve throughout these years, that seems mildly accurate.
  10. Turned my head to look at it. Heard three cracks. Pain commencing. Fuck you Truth.
  11. Why are we even having this discussion? I thought one week ago we dismissed he/she/it/Georgia as some Pakistani posing as a chick trying to push his shitty app... Or better yet, why do we even care? Let the idiots be idiots. Then kill them with fire.
  12. He lives in the most butt-fuck nowhere section of Idaho. ...To my best knowledge